The volatility of friendship

Nov 22, 2005 15:15

Today I found out the true volatility of friendship.

I was talking to a girl that I went to high school with today between classes on the phone. We were just having casual conversation talking about other friends from high school and what they were up to these days. When the conversation got around to one of my best friends from high school she kinda got quiet and was just giving me one word answers. I was confused so I just asked her why she got so quiet when I asked about him. Apparently, when I was in town visiting friends during a winter or summer break I made a smart ass comment about him jokingly just in passing something like, "oh he can be a dumbass sometimes". When this comment got around to him it had been changed to "he's a dumbass for dropping out of college". Needless to say, this pissed him off alot! and since I didn't get to talk to him during that break he took it to mean that I was talking behind his back and saying I was better than him because I was still in college. The girl I was talking to has tried to explain to him the original context of the comment many times but he refuses to believe I was making a smart ass comment and thinks that I now look down on him for dropping out, but I don't. I would try to contact him myself but since that time his cell phone has been cut off because his parents disconnected it when he dropped out. He thinks that by me no longer contacting him further proves his point that I look down on him, when the truth is I have no way of contacting him because the only way I could have contacted him was through his cell phone. Needless to say, He no longer wishes to be friends.

This was one of my best friends in high school and it was ended over one comment. I know alot of people say the friends you make in college will be the ones you keep for life it's just that he was a very good friend. I just want to say if anyone feels that I've made a comment about you to hurt you in some way or that I'm trying to hurt you by not talking just please come talk to me about it. I don't try to harm friends that why people I call friends are my friends. I will never befriend someone i dislike or wish to harm. I have a clear line of friends and enemies. I don't backstab and I don't talk behind your backs.

So please if you feel alienated by me or feel that I've said something to harm you, talk to me!!!

I don't wish to lose another close friend because of it.
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