ewww school.

Sep 02, 2004 21:08

umm, i hate updating this thing but i feel like it's necessary although i doubt anyone reads it...

Friday- shopped and worked. let's hear it for phone calls at 2 in the morning from someone who only gets your hopes up. woo woo.

Saturday i woke up super early, shot to Bobs and got Valerie a present, then got her an iced coffee then got dropped off at her house around 10ish. Nicolette was already there and we wanted for Jillian then we headed to Maine. we stopped at a burger place for lunch and they're burgers were like whoa. after that we all got to the hotel which was wicked fancy and had like 6 jacuzzis and 3 pools which were tempting, but since we had an ocean view, we decided to go to the beach. we went in the ICEEEE cold water and i thought i got hypothermia and then got sucked into an undertoe and almost drowned. yayyy. afterwards we went up to the pools and stuff then went out for pizza and then sat outside until 2amish then went to bed. the next day we stayed at the hotel until 3ish and went swimming and stuff, i got a real nice painful sunburn. when i got home i forget what i did because i have a bad memory. blah blah blah, it's now Wednesday. it was the first day of school, and it was gross. when isn't school gross? afterwards i worked. today, school again, ewww, then i had drivers ed and i drove with some kid who's never driven before, i thought i was going to throw up. ummm. yeah.
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