(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 02:46

it seems like everytime i go update this thing and i'm almost done SOMEHOW the website closes by itself and i'm left extremely pissed off. i'm bored though so i'll retype it all anyway.

Monday- didn't end up doing anything after work so i went to sleep

Tuesday- woke up around 1ish then drove to the show at the Sad Cafe with Daveeee. it was an alright time except for the Dano's experience. so yeah, i had $5 left over and me and Amanda were hungry so we go get some Dano's. we order our food and are all excited and stuff, so we start getting our money out and hey, my $5 is no where to be found. we both start freaking out because we ordered food and no we don't know where our money is, so i walk back over to the Sad Cafe to look for it and nope, it's no where to be found. i go back over to Dano's and explain to the lady and the counter what happened because our food was done and stuff, and luckily she was nice and let us eat the food and told us to come back over when we had the money for it. i wasn't going to be an asshole and not pay so me and Amanda scrapped up some change from random people and ourselves and Dooley let us borrow a couple of bucks, thanks again. so we go over and pay for our stuff and go back and watch the show which was pretty good. around 1030 it ended and Dave drove Will and Josh home then me. got home, made something to eat then headed to bed because i was beat

Wednesday- worked two shifts, 10-3 then 6-930, which i may add SUCKED but hey, it's money right? =)

Thursday- Woke up around 2ish, got ready and all that junk then got dropped off at Charlie's around 5 where Charlie was not present but Fisher Dooley Joey and Jared were. i hung out with them for a little bit until people showed up then i rode with Fisher and Ryan up to the show at Drifters. we got there 40 minutes early so we decided to walk around Nashua. we went to this really weird bookstore where i bought a drink and discovered my obsession with lizard lava, sooo good. we walked back and still had some time to kill so we all hung out in the parking lot and listened to music until Drifters opened. once it opened we went in and hung out. it was a good show accept it was SOOOOO fucking hott and humid. after the show Fisher drove me and Ryan to Wendy's, we got some food, then ate in the parking lot along with Amanda Charlie Justin Joey Jared and Andy. afterwards Charlie drove me and Amanda to her house where i passed out right away because i was sooo tired.

Today- woke up around 11, got a ride to my house from my dad around noon, proceeded to be lazy until 130 then had to be ready by 230. Jared and Robb picked me up, we went to Dunkin Donuts then headed to Charlie's. we hung there for an hour or so where it DOWNPOURED, then people showed up and we went to the show in Haverhill. it was a good time. after the show we all went our seperate ways and i hung out with Amanda and Joey at Charlie's, then around 1130 we all went to IHOP, got some eats, then my dad picked me up from Charlie's arounf 1ish. now i'm here updating this pain in the ass being wicked awake/bored.


I never wanted anything you said to ever be this way
I really do appreciate the time you spent with me those days...


and there`s nothing i can do to concentrate
it`s so distracting always thinking of you
so i expose and explain
and i meant everything that i said
it`s moments like this
that repeat and replay in my head


here are some survey things because i'm wicked effing bored.

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