"I know we can do it"

May 26, 2005 22:19

Im graduated.

Good news: Sarah's dad is trying to get me a volunteer position in the lab at Beaumont, cute guy at American Eagle asked me if I needed a job, and I checked my housing status at Michigan and they sent it out ... so I'll know my dorm and such in the next few days. Im still praying for a single.

Graduation was actually exactly what I had expected. I thought I would cry, but spent most of the time smiling and laughing. Especially at Jeff who sat in front of me and couldnt seem to keep his cap on his head. Elise's speech was great, I loved it, my family was regailing about it for half of the night :)

Cheap ass Foley wouldnt even let me keep my damn cords.

Im a Foley Alum. I still feel like Im just on vacation and will be right back in Mrs Caste's class next week listening to our next attainable goal that comes in the form of a big scary 3 page analysis.

Its over though.

Some things I wish someone would have told me 4 years ago .. or at things I wish I would have listened to.
-The years fly ... it sounds cliche but really, its so true.
-Never let Foley bring you down. You are too strong for that. Its just a school, they will have no impact on you 4 years from now.
-MAKE MISTAKES. Please. Dont be afraid of getting in a little trouble and doing things wrong. Making mistake is the best way to learn. Looking back on your high school years, youll want to see more than doing everything "by the book" and always striving towards ideals -those imaginary standards of perfection. Have fun, live it up, do a few things wrong, its the only way to get everything you can out of high school.
-Dont misconstrue that though. You can to pass through Foley. Dont slack too much, itll come back to bite you in the ass when youre applying to college. It is possible to do well and have fun all at the same time.
-If you are lucky enough to find one friend who has been your true friend, your best friend, for every second of those 4 years .. DONT FUCK IT UP. You'll find that it was the biggest mistake you could make.
-Oh yeah .. and demand some respect from the underclassmen. Dont let them think theyre the shit like they did this year. Make sure theyre a lil scared of you.

When I think back, the only things that come to mind are the memories of my friends and the good times we had ... not very much about the school. Except for those 3 English teachers that kicked my ass for 4 years, Ill never forget them for teaching me so much and being genuinely good people that I will always look up to. The real memories came from the friends. The summer soltice, the signs, the sleepover marathons, the parties at Andrews, freshman boyfriends that lasted all of 2 weeks, the movies and chichis, the TPing random houses, Bryyyyyyyyannn Street, BK at 6am, the 1st kairos, annies bunny, 12 and john r, 'you me and a lil AV,' the DUB, the limo with random boys, Posen, the 1st snowball, 4am convos with wb boys, Europe, JD, driveby drills, liberty crusades, the attempted parties, football at zekes, OUR Kairos, and more sleepovers than I could ever count. I could go on forever, but Ill spare you. I will miss everyone more than I can ever explain. You guys have meant the world to me. thank you for everything.

Love is Love. Its everything.

Tomorrow = the 'official' half-year
but I like to give myself credit for an additional month or two .. so this is like 8 months to me.

Its that "cant eat, cant sleep, reach for the ball, over the fence, world series kinda thing" :)
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