On Monday, while I was in the fitness center riding the bike for gym, I saw somethin totally awesome on ESPN. It was a document about the life of a hearing kid being in a deaf family. His name is Stefan LeFors. The family is totally deaf, there's asl signing everywhere. His bro, who played QB at Gallaudet, and parents signed a lot on ESPN, so it was pretty cool. His bro talked about their competitiveness growing up, it was kinda borin but he signed ASL the whole time, so it was sweet. That qb also poured his feelings, he talked about how it sucks being the "interpreter" for his entire family everywhere. Stefan LeFors is the quarterback of Louisville-he received a full scholarship offer. He signs pretty damn well, but sometimes he talked, that pissed me off. He did sign half of the time though, and there was closed captions for the hearing people. Even tho hes hearing, he's kinda representing the deaf community in football. I really hope he goes pro after college.
A bad pic of Stefan. Next to him is his coach.
Have there been any deaf person to play Division I basketball? Somebody gotta do it!!