Apr 08, 2004 00:18
After school some guys went to go see Andy with Mrs. Geil. We said a few prayers and listened to Mrs. Geil. Afterward we (Mrs. G, Liz, Dan, Brian, Joe, Hengy, Kohne, me) went to some ice cream place on the pike and then to Delhi Park. I got my annual farmer's tan and got to run around for a bit. After that we all went home and around 8 I called old Jon to see what he was up to. I met him and Scott and Adam at Green Tee. Paul and Julie came and left and we ventured over to bdubs. More people came to bdubs (all were Ashley, Jon Scott, Hengy, Dan, Brian, me) and we discussed straws and sharpies and other objects... I won't go into detail so we can spare our younger viewers. 1.5np... After a few of us went to go bug Joe and we watched Saving Private Ryan and then I came home. Plans for tomorrow? Anyone?