The Nigel-meter

Jan 14, 2013 18:24

The very short version of this post is, who is the second best Scrabble player right now? Of course, short versions such as that are better reserved for facebook or Twitter. I don't use the latter, and I use the former for other purposes, mainly to attempt eliciting something that passes as laughter. That's where old reliable live-journal comes in handy.

I came up with the idea of the Nigel-meter after watching a season of Baseball Tonight in which the Buehrle-meter was invented. Mark Buehrle had arguably the best fielding play of that season (on Opening Day!), and all subsequent defensive highlights would be measured up against Mark's play, and on a scale of 1-10, it usually topped out around an 8. To figure out how the Nigel-meter works, simply perform the following steps.

1. Figure out all the tourneys in which you and Nigel played in the same division. (For most of us, this will be only the Nationals, but you can include the WSC, Causeway, etc. if you wish)

2. Add up Nigel's number of wins from those events.

3. Add up your number of wins from those events.

4. Divide your win total by Nigel's win total. This is your score on the Nigel-meter.

By the way, I'm referring to Nigel Richards in this exercise, not nigelbo, although you can do it with anyone you want. I should mention that it will be much easier to calculate this when is back up. Alas, I don't memorize those final standings the way I used to be able to.
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