Fuck Handicapped People

Jul 20, 2006 13:22

That's right.  "Fuck 'em."  Here's why: they can be just as much an asshole as the next guy.

At my work, our building shares a floor with another business.  That business employees a handicapable person.  And that guy is a fucking asshole.

Reason 1, whenever I say "Hi" to him, he just ignores me.

For another he walks rolls around with a perpetual scowl on his face.  I'm sure you are thinking "I'd scowl too if I was bound to this wheelchair, asshole!" But don't think of it like that.  Think of it as constantly being 'on the go' with the added bonus of minimal energy expended.  Great for lazy people.

C)  our floor has a two stall bathroom and one is 'the handicrapper'.  That's bullshit.  We're all just supposed to never use that one because of the off chance he might come in and need it?  Bah to that.

Finally, he leaves a mess all over the bathroom sink after he rolls his messy ass up to wash up.  There's a constant puddle of water all along the sink that gets on my shirt so it looks like I peed myself like...well like a cripple would!

#5) we've seen him wash out some rubbery butt cushion thing in that sink.  Disgusting.

Really finally, because he smokes like a fiend.  He's constantly going out to the ground floor to have a cigarette.  How much productivity is he costing the company with his smoke breaks?  Worse, considering he has to roll over, push the elevator button, wait for the terminly long elevator to arrive and repeat this when he comes back= he's wasting far more of his share of break time.  Bullshit!

So, yeah, fuck Handicapped people.  It only goes to show you that they are the same as every other person, and equally capable of being asshats, as this guy is.  I'll put aside my sympathy and regard them with the same hate I have for all fellow human beings that I am forced to endure in my day to day activities without my control.

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