I work with Andy, Andy just happens to be the geekiest person I have ever met. Andy was talking about the love of his life which is cool. But the trouble was that he was talking to Bianca, Sarah and I....
So of course to stop the ranting I started my own conversation, " Man, Andy you make me so depressed, how come you get to have a love of you life, and I dont.... where do I go to get one?" And of course Sarah who shares my loathing of that L word instantly replies "I'm right here dumbass". So I guess I have a love of my life now, and I never even knew. Man I get easily distracted...
The whole crap hair cut thing is working well for me though, I can do so many things with the lonely stripe they left, I can part it for the ultimate toupee, I can create a combover which curls or spike it for a mohawk. Hats have suddenly become my friend...
My hair after going out that night....
The next weekend, with my special friend from work...
I dont need to look for a second job anymore, as soon as I mentioned I was planning to I started to get crazy shifts, starting on sunday, which is 1.5 x normal pay, so I was making more than any manager that day, and I worked 11 hours straight...
And then I have worked every day this week, all shifts being between 8-12 hours, and somehow because im stupid I agreed to work tomorrow when I was meant to have a day off....
I already need to get new pics, because I waxed certain parts of my exposed body, just because its icky when you appear like the missing link.
one last hair pic...