Feb 21, 2003 01:26

hey kiddies!!!
i know I know I know I have been falling behind on the daily updates.
What the fUCK!?!?!?!?! is wrong with LJ??? it's been saying journals don't exist and then they do and don't again!
It's really itching my nervous system.

Yesterday in "English" class we wrote an essay asking us....asking us... Haha this is funny! I have wrote some many worthless essays on topics dealing with school that I can't even remember one I wrote yesterday!
Today I wrote one about persuading the school board that searching everyones locker is a bad idea, but that's cause i wrote it today.

one more essay about anything school related--scratch that--one more essay and I will stab my peanut butter knife into my heart.

I finally got some pbj material
chunky pb
straberry J
and all the white bread you could dream of!

it's a truly glorious day.

is coming
and I'm siked
her song with eddie makes me almost cry.
so beautiful...

are you still reading?!?!

tonight I witnessed Nathan Johns lose his cyber virginity. It was in a chatroom with a bunch of friends cheering him on. It was quite possibly the biggest, hardest, boner I have ever seen.
He lately admitted to me that "she" sent him pics and that she was really a girl so it was cool for him to jerk to the cybor.
I agreed.

Anyone know what time it is?
it's 1:47!

Since LJ wasn't working yesterday, I started working on my site againt. I got it all nice and pretty. Real friggin funny. When I went to save it!
yeah you guessed it, it blew up.
I love my computer--scratch that-- I hate my computer. I love my upstairs computer. It has good music on it and is capable of downloading more.

Welp I bet everyone is real fuckin curious about what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Well calm down I'll tell ya!

I saw that fancy way of writing friday in a really cool and handsome journal entry. It gave me a li'l speck of cum peek outta my peeker hole. I gotta say that Friday is a good day. It marks the end of the first of the three weeks.
Last friday I realized that I had 3 more fridays until I was outta Night School. This was the first of the three so I'm already 1/3 of the way there! Yeah I'm proud too.
After school I'm gonna goto John Kasunics house and then do something else. I'm bringing my camera so hopefully we'll capture some incredible moments. I'm hoping to say the word "penis" quickly followed by the word "fag" over 100 times on it.
it'll be the biggest accomplishment in film history.
Then I will get nate making a funny face while john and rich make out.
I want to get Rich is John's mom's underwear and bra. I'm serious about that. I want to see rich in a bra atleast.

OH YEAH! perhaps the biggest news of the night! Holyshit zine decided to interview me after I emailed them so many times. We met in a chatroom and the interview was quite funny. here It goes:

I was down on the rocks today when I was feeling low. That's when I ran into the one and only Justin Maddey. I thought for sure he'd have a possee or ignore me, but quite the contrary! He sat down at a local coffee house with me and we chatted. Here is the gist of it!

Holyshit Magazine-Mmm, good tea!

Maddey- Yeah, if you can call it that. I've tasted better water in mexico during the '91 "dont drink our contaminated water" campaign. I think that they must of used some of the same chemicals.(makes a grossed out face)

HM- haha! You're so funny and modest Justin! Tell me about your personal life. Lets get some real juicy details.

JM-You want juicy? I'll give ya juicy. One time I was down in 'nam, real hairy parts of 'nam. All I had on me was the clothes on my back, my dogtie, a cantene filled with gin and sniper gun. I was on a special operation to go ahead of my troops and look for any other snipers and them specially co-optive snipe them out first. The hairiest of the hairiest jobs down there. Anyway I was walking there drinking my gin when all of a sudden charlie started shooting. I had nothin so I just ducked and covered the back of my head with my cantene. When I looked up I saw a fuckin 'naimese coming right at me, the lil fucker had a sword! He was about to jab it into the back of my neck but I pulled the trigger of my snipe just in time. Fuckin dead on luck. The bullet caught him right in the throat. I've never seen so much blood in my life. It made watching a baby comin outta pussy about as appealing as fuckin that pussy before it was fucked up. Anywhoo the mother fuck landed right on me, so I did the very logical thing and picked the fucker up and used it as a shield. The shot that son of a bitch so many times that I thought I was gonnna puke(which I ended up doing inside my cantene) When I finally got back to report how bad it was up ahead to my troop, they told me that it was ok and that we would just send a bomber down der. Anyway my fucking cap'n still thought I had gin in my cantene so he grabbed it from me. That stupid son of a bitch said, he said, "Boy, you ain't man enought to drink! A true soldier would of came back with the report of 10 dead charlies or he wouldn't of came back at all!" AS SOON AS HE WAS DONE, as soon as that arrogant mother fucker was done lecturing me! ME! He took three HUGE gulps of my fucking puke and spit that was left in the cantene. He put the cantene down and looked away as fast as possible. I couldn't help but to say,"Juicy enough for ya cap'n?"

HM- Wow! You're a true hero Justin! I'm so proud to be here with you right now!

JM- Proud? What are you proud of?

HM- I mean my FATHER would be proud if he knew I was here!

JM- Your daddy gets proud when you meet new people? That's one fine father you got there. My father was proud of me once. It was in the 5th grade of my school years. I got straight a's and he said, "Justin today is the first and maybe last day that I'll be proud of you."
It made me feel like shit at the time, but now I think it was a good thing that I atleast got that once. Some people don't ever meet their daddies. That's sad.

HM- Yeah anyways! if you had a date with britney spears HOW WOULD IT GO LIKE!?

JM- I think Britney Spears still likes that other Justin so I wouldn't touch on that. Plus I'm still hapily in a relationship!

HM- OH REALLY?!??!?!?!? O! MY! GOD! I wanna just burst that's so precious. Anyways what's yall's favorite position?

JM-I like to close my eyes and pretend it's a mid-twenties, wanna-be-indy way too hard hipster. A kid who doesn't understand life but still heckles everyone else on theirs. Just wait 'till they interview the sons of bitches though. Then they put the charm up to maximum speed.

HM-MMM I like men that use maximums.

JM- heh heh yeah.

HM- Ok! enough of this mush-mush, sweetie sweet talk. Let's talk about you! What kind of music do you like?

JM- anything from the hymnals or the little song quotes that are wrote on the walls at subway stations, the back of busses and toilets anywhere.

HM- Did you know that Justin Timberlake's new cd was produced by the NERD guys!? Don't you think that's just the cutest combo ever?

JM- I think the cutest combo ever is when I look into a mirror and i can make it reflect off of two more on each side of it just write so that i can see a good 40 of my faces.

HM- There's that modesty again! I love the way you talk, what accent is that?

JM- When I was a little lad I couldn't pronounce my r's right. So for the longest time people thought I was british or australlian even.Nope. Just a dumbass who coudn't pronounciate worth shit.

HM- YOU ARE NOT A DUMBASS! You are one of the founding fathers of bee-bop.

JM- You are one of the founding fathers of my 4 babies.

HM- GODDAMINT YOU ARE TOO FUNNY(after this i couldn't help but to spit out all my tea, all over him!)

JM-Oh..hmm...that was random. I think that I should like to leave now.

HM-Heh heh, well I dunno you just made me laugh.

JM- yeah you can pick up the bill for it. I don't come for free y'know.

After that Justin left me with drool hanging off my chine and cracks driving through my heart. The ever so famous Justin Maddey was controlling me and I fell right for it. How does it do it? How does he do it?
After I cleaned myself off and I walked outside I realized that it was raining. I began to want to kill myself again as I climbed ontop of a moutain of sand and weeped my purdy lil head to sleep.


there's the interview that everyone will be talking about forever. It was sorta weird how they talked me into it but I thought it ran quite smoothly!

I find the antiwar board on Live Journal to be very very very funny. I laugh at everyone there. Why? because they think that everything is a lie except for what they want to belive.
dont believe me? goto

nuff said?

ok anyways

saturday is a very big day because my girlfriend is sleeping over. We are gonna get so drunk and high that it'll be embarassing!
I'm gonna make so much drunk porn that it'll be disgusting.
Then we're gonna eat some chips.
I love chips
I love kara
I love CHIPS!

the battle of my heart.


holy family?

who knows

"only the future will tell how the days will go."Grateful dead.

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