At least Chase isn't a bitch....oh wait...he is.

Jun 02, 2004 01:14

Gaaaah, people piss me off SO freakin bad sometimes. i CaNnOt stand people who lie...thats number ONE on my list of things i hate * ants are like..number 5* hahaha, for those of you who read my last journal. But anyway, friend..actually no, my *once* friend, Chase Suggs, has this problem about lying to girls and just knows exactly what to say just so he can get some, and yet, he does this to like 5 girls AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!!!!! And i've told him about it numerous times, hes a player. Its as simple as that, he cannot have a serious relationship w/ a girl b/c he doesn't know how the hell to do it! But...what just completely got me was tonight, online,..alright, we 'talked' at one point..a LONG ass time ago (way before my Andrew days) but i come to find out tonight that while we were 'talking' he was 'talking' with Kris somebody? WTF?!?! Not gonna work...sorry. So of course, knowing me i COMPLETELY went off...completely. But then!!! haha, it gets better.. HE BLAIMS ME FOR THE SHIT! AND LIES TO ME AND SAYS HE WAS NEVER TALKIN W/ KRIS!!! So then...i tell my friend Mallory, who is also somewhat friends w/ Chase, and chase i.m.s her and says "yea, me and kris were talkin while me and jude were" Woooow, it all went downhill from there..and started off by me saying "only my friends call me Jude bitch..and your not one so dont fucking call me that"...nice Judeth..nice. haha. But i cant help it!!!! He just triggered that ONE spot that i myself and scared to see when it comes out, so for those of you who are reading this...DONT FUCKING LIE TO PEOPLE! But...then..i ended the conversation by saying this "But...ya know, its alright, b/c i dont need people who fuckin tear me down all the time and make me feel like im fuckin worth something then turn around and basically say fuck you...b/c i have a guy who actually cares about what i think and listens to me and doesn't lie to good luck w/ Kris and i hope you can actually stick w/ her for once in yoru life, and if not...then break up w/ her first THEN go get someone else..."...THEN HE FUCKING BLOCKED ME!!! And he tells Mallory THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE HAD JUST SAID TO ME!!!!!!! Which was this... no theres no whatever mallory(except he said Judeth to me of course) i have wanted to tell you this cause i really liked you and i never did ANYTHING i told everyone about you and i really wanted to be with you" WTF?!?!!?!?! haha Exactly word for word....So, after blocking me, i get on my AIM s/n and tell him "haha, you might wnana tell Mallory somethin differnt than y ou told me...and you might wanna be a MAN about it, and not be a fuckin pussy and block me...aww mallory i really wanted to be w/ you...thats bulls hit and you know it, bye chase!" Woooooo hoooooo!!! haha, i love the feeling of stickin' up for yourself. But yea...then i called Andrew and he was pissed haha, he was likel what a fucking fag, it was funny. He said if he sees him anywhere near me or tryin to get me back, hes beatin his ass. YAAAY! haha, nothin like havin your boy ALWAYS gettn ur back! :-D   That makes me very happy. But anyway...haha, Other than all of that ^ nothin really went on tonight. Me and Andrew, and like 20-30 of our friends went and chilled at "Suzies Hole" which is like nothin but an opening by the river where we all chill by our fire that we make and talk and get drunk, only i didnt get drunk, but i did drink! hehe. We had alot of fun, those are like the times i LOVE...just sittin w/ my friends not really doin anything, just sittin by a fire, drinkin. Andrew was bein SOOO funny though, haha, he was crackin me up. I love it when guys flirt, he was like, haha, i cant even explain it w/o laughin my ass off, i guess you would just have to see his expressions and stuff, it was VVERY very funny...but yea, its pretty late and i still have to go clean the kitchen b/c my parents are bein a-holes about it, haha, goodnight guys! Sweet Dreams!! Much Love to all of you!
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