Whoa, no way

Jan 27, 2006 01:06

Young Jason decided to check his e-mail and noticed a message from his good friend Sexymanfabio. Seems the young lad had decided to give the J-man a nudge. Jason sat there a little confused. "A nudge? You can do that now. Wow, this live journal this has really changed it up since I last utilized its powers," he thought. Well, he thought about it for a while, and then decided to update the story book just because someone cared enough to nudge him... over the edge. Now he needed a story.

And it hit him.

While at college young Jason decided that he really needed to get a job. Junior Bacon from cheeseburgers dont pay for themselves, and his friends had caught onto his mooching techniques, so money became a necessity. A friend of his hooked him up with a gig setting up tables and chairs at the University of Michigan League. It wasn't a tough job, and the young lad even got to carry around a walkie talkie -talk about looking official.

Well, Young Jason had been working for a while now, and the veterans had taught him the tricks of the trade. He new the short cuts here, the scary elevator there, and where everything that could ever be needed was hidden. One of these so called tricks was keeping the elevator door open so a worker can actually get things into the elevator. See, the Michigan League only had one elevator that could actually fit objects larger than one person. Because of this, the door would be open for a second, and if you did not sprint into the thing, the doors were a closing and you were left behind. This quick door technique didn't roll to well with the workers. I mean, tables aren't light, and they are stuck on a huge cart. Anyway, to stop the doors, all the workers just set the walkie talkie in front of the door, did their business and moved it out of the way.

Well, this one particular night something would go terribly wrong. Young Jason was trying to push this giant cart of tables into the elevator. Now, the League got smart for about 2 days and removed the safety bars inside the elevator so things could fit better. But then they decided to put the stupid bars back in Jason thought to himself, "What is the point of these things. They don't supply any safety. Silly elevators."

Because of the added bars, the boy had a tough time getting the table cart to fit. The elevator door was also causing a lot of problems, so he went to the veteran move and stuck the walkie talkie in front of the door to block the censor. After around 10 minutes, the cart was secured in the elevator, and jason was ready to go. The doors started to close, so young Jason assumed that he had accidentally knocked his walkie talkie into the elevator. Boy was he wrong.

As the doors closed and the decent to the basement had begun, the young lad heard something falling with the elevator. Oops, looks like the doors had decided that the walkie talkie was no longer good enough to stop the doors. Bogus.

Well, young Jason didn't panic. He is way to cool for that business. Instead, he did what any good employee would do. He stopped the elevator and kept it stalled in the basement while he thought of a plan. Then it hit him. In the movies, people always open the top of the elevator and climb up the shaft. Why couldnt he do that.

Well, the boy found what the safety bars were for- standing on to reach the removable ceiling piece of the elevator. The thing was extremely heavy, which the boy had not expected. He pushed it up and out of the way, and then grabbed the sides to pull himself up. His had slipped a bit, and when he pulled it down, it was covered in grease. Looks like keeping the top of an elevator clean wasn't a priority of the League. The boy played it smooth, wiped his hand on the floor, and climbed back up. He Pulled himself through the hole and started to look for the device.

Well, it turns out that elevator shafts are extremely dark. In fact, even with the light coming from the elevator below, the boy could not see a thing. He used his keen sense of hearing and heard the walkie talkie continue to go off. He looked left, right. forward and back, but it didnt matter. The shaft was far to dark for the boy to see the walkie talkie. Whoever decided that black was a good color for those things was a fool.

The boy was taking one last look when he heard himself being called on the radio. Being the smooth customer he is, young Jason quickly closed the hatch, put the tables away and got out of there. Looks like the boy actually wasn't ready for the responsibility of holding onto such a powerful item...
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