Aug 20, 2005 15:25

I don't like updating much, I mainly have this LJ to comment on other peoples lj, but, W/E. HUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM... and most the time, whatever I have to say, EVERYONE ELSE already HAS, so it would just be old news for you. O well.
Not much to say, right now, but ummm... I woke up at like 1:30 today, haha. Leigh called me a couple of times and I didn't hear my phone vibrate. Whoops. She was mad, but no worries, I IMED her. She wants to know if I can do anything tonight, but my MOTHER is being annoying these days, and THREATNING me that I can't do something unless my homework is done. SHOOT. So, maybe I should go do that. Yea, when I finish with this update I'm gonna go do that.
HEY KAT, I'm sorry that I woke up at 1-ish and haven't called you, but umm you didn't call me and wake me up EITHER, so, not ALL my fault. haha. But I'm gonna work on it some today, myself. Hopefully I can get it through. Maybe later today if you're near by, you could come bring me the moves and counts. Just give me a call, or i'll call you in a bit.
So, I forgot what else I was gonna say, cuz my mom's in here on her CELL being LOUD! LORDY! haha. O, and that's my new phrase, "LORDY!" haha. And another one is "PSYCHO!" Just thought you might wanna know, in case you ever heard me say it and was like, "OOK, what's up with that?" or whatever. haha. It's fun though.
Ok, well ALSO, this is the last thing, Last night was exciting. SOME PSYCHO FUN! (op! there it is! ha.) I went the the Jamboree, but you prob. already knew that, and I was late so I didn't get to see Bwood win! :( But I'm in the guard with band so I'll be seeing PLENTY of games. ;) WHOO HOO! I'm still kinda sad, cuz I didn't get to see everyone I was expecting to see at there. O well. Some other time. AND Leigh wouldn't quit MOVING AROUND! GEEZ! Haha. IloveYou. :D But NEXT TIME, don't hang up on me whenever I call you, that way I won't KEEP callin you. ;)

So, that's it.


Miss Mo.

O! AND... I need someone that can influence/inspire me like this:
-->"DoN't 4GeT. i'M jUsT a GiRl StAnDiNg iN fRoNt Of A bOy...AsKiNg HiM 2 lOvE hEr."

-->DoNt dEpEnD oN Me To EvEr FoLlOw ThRoUgH oN
aNyThInG bUt Id Go ThRoUgH hElL FoR yOu...

And this!!!!
****Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hott, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... The one who turns to his friends and says, "Thats her."
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