Jul 21, 2005 21:58
I'm at Libby LOOOOOOOO's hizOUse.
OK, so we're DEFinately listening to the Lion King Soundtrack (broadway version) or, well, we WERE. Right Now, we're listening to Dave Matthews song. Don't know it, I'm thinkin' it's called "Stand Up" cuz he's only said it about a GAZILLION times now. Haha. So, yea.
Well, I think when we're done on the comps., we're either gonna go watch a "moobie"(movie) or go "fwimmin'"(swimming). If you see this before we're done here, then comment and tell me what you think we should do. That would be greatly appreciated. ;)
So, for now, I dunno. You must be wondering, or I dunno, maybe not, about ME because I haven't had a "me update" in a while, so, yea. I've been alright I guess. I've actually gotten sick and had a road trip to the Highlands, with the Guard, this past weekend and managed to get even MORE sick. I got this TERRIBLE ear ache goin' up to the mtns. and I've had the worst ears since birth! UGH. I hate it! (Stupid ears!) So, yea, they're STILL messed up. I won'tgo into detail, but just know that I can't hear too well. :/ grrr. I wish it would just CLEAR UP! Also, to top it off, I sound like a hoarse man. heh. BUT no worries. I've got my Z-PAK that should (it better) clear me up by next week. I've got too much goin' on next week for me to have to worry about my stupid cold. WOW. That was too much rambling about my measly cold. haha. SO...
Morgan and I are still dating, so THAT's cool. ^_^ He actually left for a beach trip with his family this morning. Hope he has fun (and finds time to call me at least once out of the four days he'll be there!). :D :/ ALSO, Leigh, Leslie, Catherine, and Allie went to the beach today. hmmmph. I'll miss ALL you hoes! GAH! hehe. JUST kidding. But yea you BETTA get your little girlie booties back home UNattended! HAHAH! ok. I think I should really go now. Ok. LATA!