Feb 05, 2012 09:00
I discovered yesterday just how much can be done with a shirt that was going to be thrown out. It was a good weight and type of fabric with a nice design. It is now a banner, a handbag and two pouches.
I have decided that this is the way to go with the bags and accessories I make and have already made a choker with black taffeta and red velvet ribbon that was at the bottom of my scraps box.
As such I will be making a lot more stuff, the majority of which will be going up for sale. If you are interested let me know and I will link you in.
So my proposal fiends, wronguns and commedienes is that if you are thinking of throwing away an old shirt, t-shirt, pullover, sheet, curtains or even broken jewelery, please (if you can) if you think it is still good let me have it. - 'and what do I get in return' I hear you ask.... well my lovelies, you get one first choice item of the 'for sale' stock. How does that sound?
Interested in dealing? Leave me a message. :) Laters alligators.