I don't know what makes me want to cry more - the loss of a legend in John Hughes or the fact that almost everyone I told at work last night about this tragedy had no idea who John Hughes was. Are you kidding me?! I feel so out of place sometimes with my supposed culture or the generation in which I am surrounded. Hughes defined so much of my childhood and so many of my happiest moments then and now. My 80s babies - let us cling together.
And, fuck, I want to write. I want to really bad. Why won't my brain work? I almost cried the other day because I wanted to get something started so bad but it just wouldn't come.
On a happier note:
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I haven't seen this posted on my friends' list so I decided to give the world something to smile about. Come on, it's rather cute, right? And my Torchwood obsession? It's crazy right now. Finished Series 1, almost done with Series 2 and freakin' terrified to by Children Of Earth.