Public Bathroom

Aug 10, 2010 12:37

It is time for my bi-annual blog post to my 3 supporters.  Today's topic:  Public Bathroom Etiquette.

Who are the people who routinely leave shit on the toilet seat?  Really?  I couldn't do that.  Were they raised by wolves?  Who shits on a toilet seat and then leaves it there for the next person?  Is this an ego thing?  Is your shit too good?  Are you lazy as all hell and just don't want to clean it up?

It is one thing to do it once and maybe you're having a bad day and the enchiladas last night didn't agree with you and you didn't notice your fecal matter.  I get that.  I'm disgusted by it but I get it.  Bad days happen (seem to be happening a lot where I work).  But this is 3 times in the past 5 weeks.  Sure it could be different people but I share a bathroom with 5 guys.  The likelihood of it being more than one person is very low.  More likely it is one lazy asshole who could give a shit about leaving shit on the shitter!

There is a special place in hell for you seat shitter!  Your own circle of hell awaits you.
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