im leaving...

Jun 21, 2005 19:43

ok everybody im leaving for the rest of the summer saturday so im trying to spend time with all my friends before I go cuz im not gonna get to see them until next school year. So far ive gotten to go to the zoo with alie and spent a day with her and bret and josh and daniel (asian daniel) at the mall. I saw madagascar today which was a good movie. Im sure mike is going to have a field day with the fact that i spent 2 days hanging out with alie but hes a weakling and hes afraid of bodily harm. Ben plans to shoot me tomorrow cuz I am spending time with alie and not letting the horde live in my house and eat my food. So in all fairness im going to spend the next two days with the horde cuz they fall apart and seperate without me. and im pretty sure im the only thing stopping them from cannibalizing daniel...
Friday im going to spend with whoever wants to come cuz we're going to the movies as a large group to say bye to me, john g, and others.All in all my summer has kicked ass so far except for the fish getting away, the sunburn, and being slapped 83 times at the zoo (new record)(and im not skipping numbers)(head shots count as 10)(kicks to the nuts are 1000).But otherwise im having fun and the only problem is dividing my time between my friends since they apparently dont want to hang out as a large group. (i think the proposal of women is still strange to mike, mo and nate)(mo and nate are homeschooled and mike is....well....mike).
Im traveling out to idaho to see my dad with john g cuz we have guns out there and being teenage guys we like guns. Next year im taking two people so if anyone is interested gimme a holler. Ben if ur reading this do not shoot me cuz real guns make entry wounds, not just bruises. and since im gonna be gone all summer and no one is smart enough to figure out how to contact me...if anyone wants to chat and see how its going or just complain about not being able to go to my house just call my cell. Ok everybody im leaving on saturday and ill see u all next year.
peace and have a good summer all,
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