my day

Jun 03, 2005 14:52

ok today i am pissed off...
you all know it takes alot to piss me off but today did it...
I got alot of BIG assignments
I have little time to do them,
people aren't cooperating,
people are ignoring me,
and final thing that ruined my day.... some retard called alie a slut and she's been depressed
I haven't been this pissed off in a long time,
I got attacked by the window in health and have 3 long bleeding scars down my arm,
I've gotten 2 hours of sleep,
I've been rudely awakened many times today,
There is a huge math test on Monday which im not ready for,
I have a tone of review packets,
and the horde wants to party at my house this weekend....
Now you all can see why im pissed off....
Ben wont stop pestering me about who Im going to ask out,
I cant go to the movies cuz I have too much work,
Dunston left,
Every time ive asked someone if they can do something they cant,
Everyone is doing something this weekend while im stuck working,
The little time I do have free no one else is,
kyle called kara a psycho,
health is getting harder and less fun quickly,
I've been kicked in all 7 of my classes,
the cd for english wont work,
the new camera cant play movies on my computer,
I have no free time until the 8th where anyone else is home,
FInals are coming up,
people are being needlessly rude to my friends,
bromely forgot to order the pizza,
ms goddard caught us playing xbox,
alie is depressed over this dude who called her easy and its bothering me,
kara is depressed over the kyle issue,
mike has been overly annoying,
daniel didnt show up today,
with both alie and kara depressed im depressed,
i dont get depressed like they do i get angry,
people have been trying to joke with me when im really not in the mood,
krissi is moving out of state (right now im thinking i might follow),
i ripped my right shoulder muscles,(hit by car on way home)
my report on caesar wont show up at school,
And last but not least my weekend is shot cuz the only plans i had were cancelled.
Now you all see why im pissed off today, ive been cut, insulted, kicked, frustrated, awoken, and got no thanks for helping others when they need me... except for one person who thanked me for the candy
This is why I am pissed off and just as a heads up, try not to piss me off anymore....i know you all dont try but this weekend is the worst weekend of my life so please try to call or sign on when u get a chance cuz im gonna be stuck to the comp for the next 72 hours.
One bright side though, we're gonna have an end of the year party at silver diner,
my brothers and their friends fried a xbox,
the only things that haven't pissed me off in some way today are my lizards and my parents,
and one other person (kinda),
my lizards are the most affectionate creatures ive ever seen,
the chick I asked out said no,
I cant play paintball this weekend, or xbox,
I cant go anywhere,
i've been repeatedly slapped, smacked with my own hat, beaten, kicked, and insulted this week,
and alie has perfected the puppy dog eyes ( i dont know why they work but they really do work),
so i've been beaten physically and emotionally (aren't I lucky),
i was informed my day couldn't be all that bad and the reason for this pissed me off even more,
for the first time in my life ive been pissed off at a girl,
mo has vanished off the face of the earth,
the pool here is open but its raining,
ben has gotten the idea of making a rail gun on his own,
(this is not a good idea cuz they are massively ustable and will kill him and everyone else in a large area if he gets it wrong),
ok this is the list of why im pissed off right now, as you can see my week is crap and my weekend will be crap,
ok here is my final plea for anyone who gives a dam... I have a total of 5 hours to go somewhere or do something as a break this weekend on saturday so if anyone has an idea or going somewhere gimme a call and get me outta this hell...
i really needed to vent and everyone at school who is associated with me or the horde has pissed me off today,
i can only think of one time when ive felt worse then i do today but this is pretty dam close,
ok for anyone that actually cares enough to read this far thank you.
i shoudlnt let other people's problems affect me but they do and please ppl it is better to just tell me then have me find out on my own, i admire courage and despise speak up
i have to get to work...
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