
Nov 09, 2004 20:07

today was fun- true story. i was anticipating the assembly that didn't happen..i don't get to go until tomorrow, but that mean i'm going to wear my white with black polka dots dress. yay. CUTE, very cute. Also, I got 5th chair in band, and i didn't even practice lol TIGHT, ive been last chair for the last two years becasue i don't participate in challeges and chairing becasue i don't care enough, but this time...i guess i did, i did it for FOZ, he's like my grandpa <3. No seriosuly, he really is. So pretty much the rest of my day was good...::::someone::: said something very exciting to me made my WHOLE DAY. <3. yes, and 5th was fun as always, except for the fact that mr.turner keeps saying really gross and wrong things to me that make me think he is just a fucking SICK ASS man...for realz y0, it awkward...i don't get him, but whatev i don't really care. I went to the library to copy my FHP card for my work, and then later on went to meet joanna at school to hang out with her for a bit, before her mom came and picked her up, then i went to katie's. katie is realllly dumb and dumped rice crispies all over the floor lol. her mom...she's funny. And then at 5 i went to tutoring, and came home and hung out with emilee, and did homework n sheeeit'. We then went to TACO DEL MAR, FUCKING GOOD MAN! yes,,, and now i'm here... that was pretty much my day....imma take a shower tonight and cornrow my hair so it's all crinky in the morning. <3 AIR

Ps. Please comment...i'm considering not doing LJ anymore, if i don't get any comments, even if i don't know you COMMENT.

Another thing...i reallly want a date to WINTER BALL and i just can't seem to find anyone that wants to go with me....which is kinda sad, but hey. I'll go with..whoever man, i really wanna go. If anyone wants to get me the hook-up that would be tight not really, i think i'll find someone, if not i'll go cry in a little ball in the corner of my room...whoa i'm dramatic...<3
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