Oct 25, 2006 16:35
Ok, here goes..... I am officially on a diet. This time I mean it. I only had 2 pieces of pizza last night instead of my regular 4 (granted they did have bacon on them) but all I had this morning is a yogurt and soup. My head is feeling it. I feel faint lately over it, but I'm getting enough food so I think it's just my body adjusting. Slight news on the car, pretty sure the van has been approved. If not we've at least gotten approved to get SOMETHING. The van may be out of our budget. I'm so very tired still though. I think I got maybe 7 hours the day before yesterday and the day before that. Yesterday I made up for it though. I think I slept from hmmm it had to have been 8 cause I remember turning on Dancing with the Stars I just don't remember watching it. And slept all the way through until about 8:30 this morning when Tommy woke me up. And I stayed on the couch another hour after that when Emma woke up. Still haven't done too much productive today, I've done 1 load of laundry, done 1 homework assignment and glared at the dishes everytime I passed the kitchen. I did do one interesting thing though. I went to all the fast food sites and found meals at all of them under 500 calories and under 10 fat grams for the entire meal. (granted there is NOTHING but salad to eat at KFC, White Castle, and Burger King that is unless you wanna pay an arm and a leg, but it's still too fatty.) Wendy's probably has the best variety out right now. Man if we only carried ham again, and no canadian is just not the same!! Hell Arby's even has ham and we don't. I didn't consider Dunkin Donuts. Well I'm gonna go check them out and then workout, and tackle those dishes. I will be up half the night working on homework, so those of you who care, I'll be here. Last thing I have to work on that I'm actually stuck on is the dimensions for Emma's tail. I don't want to make it too big or too small. Next time I type I should have a vehicle. If you don't see me on here anymore, it's because I've died of either malnutrition or exhaustion.