My birthday is officially over but I wanted to say a quick thanks to all my flisties for another wonderful year. Special thanks to:
- patrese1, priscel, svgurl and voldything for the lovely sparklies on my profile
- ctbn60, who made me a sexy, clexy manip - yum
- bradygirl_12, tallihensia, talitha78, lapetite_kiki and ... Oh dear, I know there were others who sent me messages. Thank you all and forgive my failing memory.
- josephina_x for the wonderful story Aliens 601, for Humans
- and tasabianfor the brilliant picspam, Tom: Golf Course Freedom Fighter. I would totally watch that movie.
They were all much appreciated.
I had a pretty quiet day and then we went out to see the Ottawa Senators, who unfortunately lost. Well, we at least had fun heaping abuse on the refs, who were pretty off form alas. And I get another celebration on the weekend since my sister couldn't make it to this one. My main gifts were gift certificates to Richmond Nursery, so I can indulge in my annual May gardening shop. I always wind up buying a lot of plants each year because we get a lot of winter kill hereabouts. But its getting harder and harder to find spaces for all the plants, so I may wind up starting another bed.