What are your favourite LJ comms for Smallville? Here are some of mine:
sv_ledger is a LiveJournal-centric newsletter to help keep you up date on what's happening in Smallville fandom. Subscribe now! And don't hesitate to send us your recs, especially for stuff that's not posted in one of the major communities.
smallville is an open community for all things Smallville, from fic to vid to art to news.
svtimeline is a great resource if you're looking for details on older episodes. It's run by the fabulous
acampbell and was recently updated for 8.01 'Odyssey'. Check it out!
sv_fanficsv_slashold_school_clexsmallvillebbangfanon_fridays (non-canon pairings, eg Clex, Chlark)
clexmas (holiday themed Clex challenges)
enter_tzone (Twilight Zone themed challenge. multi-fandom)
tentacle_fest (tentacles are love! multi-fandom)
worlds_finest (Clark/Bruce, typically more comic-oriented, but still fabulous)
ETA - How could I forget about:
sv_vids for links to new vids (wish more people would use it!)
eat_crow for episode reviews (wish even more people would use it!)
sv_inquiry if you're trying to track down a fic
sv_kink for kinky fic
danceswithclex is a comm in all but setup, and is also THE best source for links to Clex stories.
And my flisties have added several more suggestions in the comments. Enjoy!