(no subject)

May 09, 2006 01:27

I said I would never make my journal "Friends Only." I've always hated it and I don't really know why. But I had someone who didn't need to be reading my Xanga reading my entries and showing them to the parentals and I don't need that on here either. It's what needed to be done. And those who friend me are those who want to read them anyway. No biggie.

Please comment if you want to be added. I generally like people and will add you if you seem cool. Add me if you read my stories too, cause I love the people from the fic communities I'm in. I only ask that you comment so that I know you're there and want to be added.

PS: My awesome other half, yankeesdtr made the awesome FO banner. She is also incredibly talented at making icons. Go to arsenic_in_chai and request some icons and graphics. If you doubt her talent, check out all the stuff she's made for me. She did a great job on my spiffy LJ layout, the Jersey Boy icon I'm currently sporting and the aforementioned "Friends Only" banner. I'm gonna say it once more: GO TO arsenic_in_chai AND GET SOME ICONS OR GRAPHICS! Okay. I'm done now.

Got any questions, hit me up.
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