what did we do today, brain?

Aug 20, 2009 05:00

  • 10:20 @ gregvaneekhout Story grenades! I have been missing them from you, man. #
  • 10:31 Susan explains @StrangeHorizons' annual operating budget, and transparently breaks down the numbers: is.gd/2nEow (via @charlesatan) #
  • 13:41 RT @charlesatan: Anna Tambour's Aisle 2 and the Astroidian Threat bit.ly/21jQJg #
  • 13:46 RT @TheDailyCabal: "A Bit of Summer Reading" by Rudi Dornemann is up at dailycabal.com #
  • 13:47 @ ElizaPatricia Wow. Very cool to see. How hard was it as a USian to obtain the visa? #
  • 14:02 Cleaned out my left ear, and now I have a sore throat. Is that normal? #
  • 17:46 Am marking papers in the basement of Raffles City mall, so why the hell do I smell the overwhelming pungence of durian? Blech. #
  • 21:42 Brain is pudding, therefore bed. #
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