recommendations for imaginative stories by poc

Aug 08, 2009 13:29

I'm in the interesting position of being ahead of schedule in two of my English classes; I've finished the Secondary Two scheme of work for Term 3, but we still have two weeks of classes left. And so, I thought I'd do something a bit more fun than teach about information reports and comprehension passages; I'm going to do a short unit on contemporary imaginative/fantastical/slipstream fiction as a bookend to the unit on science fiction that we did at the beginning of the school year.

I already have two stories lined up, ("26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss" by Kij Johnson and "How To Talk To Girls At Parties" by Neil Gaiman) but I'd also like to include recent stories by writers of color. So I'm looking to all you nice people in the blogosphere for recommendations.

Please recommend stories that will be:
  • appropriate for 15-year-old boys (and will be appropriate for a conservative school environment; I don't want to get into too much trouble here),
  • not too long (probably 4,500 words is the max we could do per story), and
  • found online for free (I don't have the time right now to go through the laborious process of requesting the school to pay the licensing fees for copyrighted stories not available on teh internets, so I'm limited to fiction that can be viewable from any browser without restriction).
I prefer recommendations of stories that have been nominated for or won awards, but this is not necessary.

I'm especially looking for stories that are also available in audio format, whether in a podcast or a regular download. Because I'm looking for shorter stories, they probably should be only around 30 minutes or so read aloud; our school periods are 40 minutes long, so this will allow an additional ~10 minutes for discussion.

If I get lots of good recommendations, it may mean overlapping a bit into Term 4, which is fine. So please, don't hold back because you think your recommended story wouldn't be allowed the time in the next two weeks.

Many many thanks in advance. Comments are open! Please include links!

literature, teaching

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