award season self-pimpage

Feb 10, 2009 15:48

As Mr Scalzi reminds us, it's award season; in particular, he mentions the Hugo Awards and the Locus Awards, which are both voted on by you, the science fiction and fantasy reading public (assuming that the "you" reading this entry also reads science fiction and fantasy). Last month, I listed my publications for 2008, and it turns out that some of them are eligible for both these awards. Not that I have a chance in hell of actually winning anything, but hey, if you're inclined, feel free to nominate.

A Field Guide to Surreal Botany is eligible in the Hugos for "Best Related Book," and in the Locuses (Loci?) for "Best Anthology." In this vein, I will make the PDF of the book available to any Hugo and/or Locus voters as a free download (this was previously available only to reviewers and bloggers). Just send a message through our contact form, and I'll email the instructions on how to download the book. (And if you like what you see, consider ordering a copy.)

Janet Chui is eligible in the Hugos for both "Best Professional Artist" and "Best Fan Artist," and in the Locuses for "Best Artist - Pro or Fan." If you enjoyed the phenomenal artistic job she did with the illustration and design of Surreal Botany, show her some love.

Both Janet and I are eligible for the "Best Editor Short Form" Hugo and the "Best Editor - Pro or Fan" Locus, but if Ellen Datlow doesn't win both of these awards, then the world just doesn't make sense.

As for my short fiction, I've linked all of these so that you can read them online, and decide for yourself whether they are award-worthy (except for The Time Traveler's Son, which is not yet online, but I'll email the ms. to you if you ask nicely); these would all fit under the "Best Short Story" category for both awards:

Thus endeth the shameless self-promotion.

awards, literature, writing

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