3 more vox invites up for grabs! who wants?
Flash forward
A few years back a coworker had bought the same camera I had - the Canon S30 - after I had recommended it. He came to me a couple days ago - well, yesterday, in fact, looking to upgrade. I showed him my recently acquired SD550 and extolled its virtues. Since I had gotten it in hmn... November, I had taken many many photos. It was a big upgrade, 3 to 7MP, bigger view screen, yaddah, yaddah.
Then I went to dpreview.com to look and compare with what else what out there as we were talking, and lo and behold, I spy the SD700 IS. Now, usually Canon upgrades are minimal at best and I'm not overcome with the need to upgrade. After reading the review, I was sold. See, IS stands for Image Stabilization and if you take as many non-flash photos as I do, (food porn, au naturel, is best!), the IS feature is gold.
So I promptly sent off an email to said coworker to enquire if he would, oh, want to buy my SD550, to which he was happy to get. I then ran to craigslist and redflagdeals.com to find out who's selling and for how much and who had it and what they thought. I struck gold when I was able to get the SD700 for about as much as I was selling my old camera, (where I included the case and extra battery).
So after all is said and done, I'm quite pleased with how the financials worked out. I lost maybe $100 in the exchange, which for digital cameras, is nothing, especially after ten months and two models between.
Baggy-eyed wonder, MAKE UP!
So I went to Sephora for the foruth time this week. Also hit the Holt Renfrew makeup counter for the second time, with trip three to be done tomorrow. It's like I've suddenly decided that the bags under my eyes must be masked or eradicated. It's a total mission, that with the sister, we have undertaken. Some success, but we'll see in the using of the stuff. It's fun to be ultra girly about it. I've got a Bobbi Brown corrector and a Lancome one. We hit the Giorgio Armani (who knew he had makeup!?) booth for a session tomorrow, right in time for a wedding function that evening!
So part of the excessive visitations to the mall was due to dress hunting. See, I've been working out for the last while and now I discover that my dresses don't fit like they used to. I'm not entirely sad, but it makes for a difficult time when you need to dress for an event. I found one. For $1200. Frightening that I actually considered it and technically, I bought it, but it's going right back, I say!
Yay for buying a new camera to make me realize that my money can be spent on better things. Like toys.