^^ me and ashley. she's cooler than i am. she wrote a story about me like five years ago that i still have on my computer. it goes like this:
Jackson has a fake bird in his room. It lives in a cage with wind chimes on it (minus wind). He has a pile of nonsense behind his bed. He likes posters. He also lost a sword that I really want to play with. I have the power to destory the world from this skateboard chair of doom. Jacksoon gets lots of ideas because he has a big light bulb next to his bed and at night it radiates smart ideas like hanging out with Chelsie and Smashley. His Goodyear blimp is NUMERO UNO in tires. His lava lamp is a lame-o because its not on.
soo yeah, my eyes don't open all the way. and uh, yeah, so, what's goin on guys.