texts for 2012

Dec 26, 2012 03:26

Given that I'm not really a lectionary preacher -- I'll check what's up in the Revised Common Lectionary, and preach from them when they sing to me, but I don't restrict myself to those texts covered by the RCL -- it seems like a good practice to keep track of what I'm preaching. Otherwise, I'd risk to preach an awful lot from, say, Isaiah and Luke, and not even notice I was neglecting the other books!

These were my sermon text choices for 2012.

Genesis 17:1-2, 6-13
Genesis 45
Exodus 16:1-3 & 17:1-7
Numbers excerpts from chapters 13 and 14
Deuteronomy 4:29-31
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Ruth excerpts from chapters 1 and 4
1 Samuel 3:1-20
1 Samuel excerpts from chapter 17
2 Samuel 11:1-17
2 Samuel 11:26-12:9
Job chapters 1 & 2
Job 38:1-27
Psalm 107:1-9, 23-32
Song of Songs 2:8-13
Isaiah 5:1-7
Isaiah 10:1-4
Isaiah 11:1-9
Isaiah 42:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-25
Isaiah 58:6-12
Isaiah 61:1-4
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Jeremiah 29:1-14
Joel 2:12-18 (Maundy Thursday)
Joel 13:1-15, 20, 30-35 (Ash Wednesday)
Zephaniah 3:14-20

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 (Ash Wednesday)
Matthew 20:1-16
Matthew 28:16, 18-20
Mark 1:4-15
Mark 1:14-20
Mark 4:26-32
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 6:14-29
Mark 6:30-46
Mark 7:1-8, 14-23
Mark 9:38-50
Mark 10:17-27
Mark 11:1-11
Mark 12:38-44
Passion texts (Good Friday tenebrae)
Birth Narratives (Candlelight Service)
Luke 1:26-56
Luke 2:21-40
Luke 4:1-13
Luke 4:14-29
Luke 10:25-37
Luke 11:1-13
Luke 24: 13-35
Luke 24:36-49
John 6:24-35
John 12:44-50
John 15:1-11
John 15:12-17

Acts 2:1-21 & 37-47
Acts 4:32-5:10
Acts 5:11-33, 38-42
Acts 8:26-31, 35-39
Acts 16:11-13
Romans 3:21-25a
Romans 8:31-39
1 Corinthians 13:8-12
Galatians 5:13-25
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
Philippians 1:2-14
Philippians 2:1-13
Philippians 4:1-13
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
Hebrews 1:1-4 & 2:1
James 2:1-7, 14-17
James 3:13-18
James 5:12-20
1 John 2:1-10
Revelation 21:1-4

I'm actually pretty happy with the distribution. I don't expect to cover every book every year -- I don't want church to seem like a whirlwind tour -- but I did make an effort to cover different *kinds* of texts, from the longer Old Testament narratives through the epistles. I liked taking a few weeks to focus on Acts, which was not a normal go-to preaching text for me. Likewise Philippians and James.


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