Happy Anniversary Cal Ripken!

Sep 06, 2009 09:53

14 years ago, Cal broke Lou Gehrig's streak. That also means 13 years ago, Eddie hit his 500th home run. I know, I'm a dork ... I couldn't have told you that today was September 6th, but once LJ told me that much I can rattle off my ancient Orioles trivia.

Not very much exciting going on in our lives these days. School started awhile back, but it feels like it's been going on forever now. On years that we don't have an election day off, they give us Labor Day Friday off. That means I'm enjoying a 4 day weekend right now. It's lovely. It's easier to appreciate a long weekend when it's bookmarked by work!

Last week we looked at a house for the 2nd time. That's something new for us. Nothing has transpired from that visit, however. The problem is not with the house, but the location. It's on a neighborhood main road, the one way in and out. And the ONLY thing you can't change about a house is its location. That's making it difficult. So alas, we continue to hunt.

I had a meeting on Thursday night with people that I enjoy working with. Except one person who I have worked with (unsuccessfully) in other areas keeps showing up at this meeting and being awful. Imagine the meanest bully you've ever met, and multiply it by 3. We're not sure why this person is coming to our meetings. I know I'd be happy if this person ceased coming. I know there are several people in the group who also wish this person would stop coming.

HOWEVER ... it's complicated. Most of the people in the group have the same day job. The "bully" is a supervisor of a couple people on the committee, and could technically wind up as any of our supervisors any day. So you can't just be mean and ask them to stop coming. Or yell at them. Or really stand up to them.

It took me 4 really long years to even be able to be in the room with this person without feeling dizzy, and I finally decided that as long as I don't directly report to this person, I can let the comments roll off my back. But I still don't have the guts to stand up for someone when THEY are getting bullied. I take my punches and move on...but I'm too wimpy to speak up. It's rough. 2 different people left the room to compose themselves after getting bullied on Thursday night. It was just terrible.

Other than that, Mike keeps running .... 18 miles yesterday. The dude is nuts! :)

meetings, buying, work

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