Ah, the Married Life

Aug 14, 2008 15:42

People love to ask us, "So how is married life?" I admit I'm guilty of posing that question to more than one person. If that person was you, I deeply and thoroughly apologize! Since I'm aware that the question is not going to go away for awhile, I've decided to reflect upon how married life really is - therefore giving me some better responses to share with those who ask but don't really want an answer. :) So, how IS married life?

I could discuss with them the advantages of having 2 more paychecks a month. My poor husband thought he was going to have all this extra play money without paying rent to his friend or brother anymore. So far I have come up with much more fun ways to spend his monetary contributions to the family than massive amounts of video games. We are now the proud owners of items such as a new mattress, new toilet, and much to his happiness, a new large TV with surround sound system. In fact, the only new video game that has been purchased since marriage was purchased by him, FOR ME. Insane, I know. And very exciting ... he doesn't even know yet that this morning he got my car new brakes, routers, a transmission flush, and an oil change. He is going to be SO excited. I just know it!

I could tell question askers about my horrible slide into wife-hood. This includes having food ready to eat when he comes home from work. Not because I'm whipped or anything like that, but because I like to eat. And he gets home hours after I usually ate dinner pre-marriage. I make sacrifices like this so that he can go to the gym and burn off calories for me.

My personal favorite response to, "How's married life?" always includes a reference to him doing laundry. He really does! The rule is that as long as my clothes wind up in the hamper, he will wash them on Mondays while he plays video games and watches TV. I kid you not. (Oh, that reminds me, the dryer is acting up again and turning off at random times. More fun ways to spend money.) He even folds laundry. He does refuse to put my clothes away. Therefore, my side of the room has lots of piles of clothes. Another part of the laundry rule is that he needs to have at least 1 empty clothes basket. What does that mean in Jenny-speak? On Sunday night, I need to take my folded clothes out of the clothes basket and put them into a pile somewhere else, thereby rendering said basket empty. (You can only teach an old dog so many tricks at once.)

Another good habit marriage (well, marriage to this particular man) has helped me with is taking out the garbage. Alone, I am indeed lazy enough to smush the trash down into the bag just a little bit more to give myself enough space until the next trash day. He will take the trash out purely because it's trash day. Now, I'm lazy, but I'm not so lazy that I won't assist if he is doing such things. While he takes the bag out I put in a new bag and we are set. It's amazing.

THere are now 2 people in the house. You'd think that would double things. This is not so. Example- The shower's cleanliness. The thing gets dirty in about 2 days. I know for a fact that I did not need to scrub my shower every 4 days before. I'm not that dirty of a person! But I'm not kidding. Somehow the shower started getting yucko really really fast. I know the guy. He isn't that dirty. And I doubt I would have missed him trucking in filth from outside with the pure intent of dirtying the shower. After much pondering, I finally figured out the difference - HE USES SOAP! No kidding. I have used body wash for YEARS. I don't think I have purchased bar soap EVER. It would make appearances in my bathroom at my parents house, but I used body wash so it just sat there. Body wash doesn't make soap scum. Soap (duh) does. I'm envisioning a Pippi Longstocking-esque shower cleaning system - skate type shoes made out of scrub brushes. Perhaps this will keep the shower cleaner. Otherwise, I'm going to have to come up with a new plan. I wonder what would happen if the soap went away and boy flavored body wash appeared?? ;)

That's all I've got for now. And hey, that's just after 6 weeks! Imagine how much I'll come up with as time goes by...


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