When I was a pre-teen and teen, I got hooked on a series of fiction stories that always had a character that was sick in some way. One of the stories was about a girl who needed a kidney transplant and I can remember thinking back then that it was a simple decision to be an organ donor. My mother was skittish about the concept, still believing the VERY FALSE thought that doctors would let you die so they could take your organs. (I promise, it isn't true.) I checked organ donation on my license when I very first got a license and it freaked her out. I rolled my eyes at her but it turns out it really is important to have that conversation. In some states, it doesn't matter what your license says - it matters what your next of kin says. Luckily, in Maryland, if you're registered they don't need the permission of your next of kin. I know it can be an uncomfortable subject to think about, but April is Organ Donation Awareness month. Are you registered? Nobody wants to be in the position to make that decision, because it always comes up when we lose somebody. But once you're not using your organs anymore, wouldn't you want to help other people? You can save up to 7 peoples lives! And help lots of others if you consider tissue donation as well.
So there's my soapbox. Go sign up. :)