(no subject)

Apr 20, 2005 11:27

Growing up on Cavitt Road was fun. All of the kids played together & all of our moms watched us. Games of cops & robbers lasted days & spanned 10 yards at a time! So last night at Jackie's funeral, it was really surreal to run into everyone after all this time. Some of us still live there, some have moved on, some still have parents there....we are all still somehow connected. Everyone looks the same, yet so different. I ran into neighbors that moved 20 years ago. It was really strange. I hate to say it was nice to see them, because it was sad that we were all brought together by a tragegy, but it was good to know the rest of them are doing well.

Jackie's family is NOT well. I don't think I have ever heard such cries of complete raw grief as I heard last night. It was enough to make a stranger sob. Needless to say, Beth & I did not do so well in the "emotionally strong" department. Once Kay (mom) snagged us up it was all over. I just hope & pray they find a way to get through this.

In other news, I woke up the other morning with NO HOT WATER! Hmmmm....the bill is paid, the gas & electric both work, there were not utility trucks in the street working....I didn't have time before work to go in the basement so I just came to work. As it turns out, my water heater was turned down the whole way! How does this happen? I dont' know if someone may have bumped it or if my asshole neighbors did it. I don't know why they would. Except for the fact that I thought they were stealing my electric! Which I know they were even if it was just a little. They knew when my breaker was off and switched it back on EVERY time. hmmm..so , Paul turned it back up and we have hot water again. I know it didn't happen itself, so maybe it was an accidental bump or something. I don't know. As long as that's the only problem, I'm ok! I was stressed because I didn't want to call Shawn & Allison because they are on vacation.  The last thing a landlord needs is to be bothered about apartment problems when on vacationt trying to forget them! :)

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