Title: Something Rare and Precious (2/2)
Rating: M
Author: jlrpuck
Pairing: Ruby Quarles, Elias McCoy
Disclaimer: The characters contained in this story are the products of my imagination; as such, I retain all right to and ownership of them.
Summary: And the last tale about Ruby and Elias. At least for now :)
Notes: Thank you to
earlgreytea68 and
chicklet73 for
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So the BS cover stories are still in place, I see.
In that specific regard, yes. Ruby and Elias are not aware of Rose and Jackie coming over from an alternate universe.
Elias would be all WOOHOO for a minute until Ruby's glare calmed him down.
Awww. *pets Elias*
Some things cross all universal boundaries.
I'm guessing Ruby will find out for herself as soon as Elias has the answer to his question.
And HOW.
Oh, good gravy.
Elias is a worrier.
He's right here, Ray. He'slooking at me.
BWAH! Ghostbusters FTW!
He's probably spent the entire time chewing Peter's ear off about leaving their desks in case Ruby calls.
Without question. Peter is going to tease the crap out of him when he gets back to the office. Because of course Peter will have called Rose in the interim...
I'm sure the vocabulary being used is rather choice.
Anyone who speaks Scots would be terribly embarrassed by their language.
I take it Ruby's not much of a salads girl?
Not so much.
I hope for Ruby's sake their kids aren't as picky as their father.
Elias is horrified by how casually his children treat their food and drink.
Ruby 15, Elias 0.
Wary of PDAs, is our Elias?
There’s always a chance that someone from work will come across them, that “close” to the office. Far better to go out for a stroll and find a convenient shrubbery behind which to snog his wife.
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