Something Akin to Dread (3/6)

Mar 22, 2010 06:32

Title: Something Akin to Dread (3/6)
Rating: K
Author: jlrpuck
Pairing: Ruby Quarles, Elias McCoy
Disclaimer: The characters contained in this story are the products of my imagination; as such, I retain all right to and ownership of them.
Summary: Another of the tales relating to Elias and Ruby McCoy.
Notes: Thank you to ginamak, earlgreytea68 and chicklet73 for their beta of this earlier this year.

Any mistakes in this story are mine, and mine alone.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six

When Elias emerged from his interview a quarter-hour later, he found Peter leaning against the wall, waiting for him. The PC did a double take when he saw him; Peter let out a vexed sigh, and glared the man away.

“All well?” Elias asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Oughtn’t I be asking you that?”

“I hardly think you’ve been idle while I’ve been questioned.”

“What’d he have to question you about?”

“Is Ruby well? Does she take drugs? Any major issues? The usual bollocks someone who doesn’t have any real questions will ask simply to be able to complete the report.”

“Poor man. Must be difficult to go through life with no imagination.” Peter shook his head in sarcastic sympathy. “Right, well. Let’s find you some tea, and then we’ll talk.”


“Still upstairs being shot through with radiation. C’mon, off we get.”

They found a quiet table in the cafeteria, Peter sliding a teapot into the centre of it before wandering off to find the milk. Elias slid one of the empty cup-and-saucers over to where he suspected Peter would sit, and then glared down at his own, wondering if he ought to put sugar in before or after the tea had been poured.

He opted for ‘before’, desperately needing to do something with his hands in an attempt to keep his mind from racing. He splashed tea onto the table as he poured, a sign that his nerves were still singing even if his mind had somewhat calmed.

“Going theory with the nurses was that Ruby’s broken some ribs, and quite possibly her right collarbone,” Peter said without preamble, sliding the milk over to Elias before sitting. “Said she was almost pinned, thanks to how far her door was pushed in. Don’t think her arm’s broken, although it was trapped between her and the door.”

“Chatty bunch, these nurses.”

Peter hmmed in response, giving a slight smile as he reached for the teapot.

It was one of the reasons their partnership worked so well. Peter was often the quiet one, but he had a fair knack for getting people to talk, if he was so inclined. And Peter tended to do it with a far defter hand than he did. “That all?”

“She’ll need some stitches for a nasty cut on her head-above her ear, they said-but she otherwise seemed quite well. Was furious, apparently, with the driver of the lorry.”

“I can just imagine.”

Peter gave a small laugh in commiseration. “And how. Poor driver-his ears must still be ringing.”

“I suspect he’s quite lucky Ruby couldn’t get out of the car, or use her right arm.”

“Amen to that.”

They both sobered, well aware of the fact that it could have been much worse.

“Thank you,” Elias finally said, watching his tea swirl from where he’d just stirred in the milk.

“You scared the knickers off some of those constables.” Peter had a small smirk when Elias looked up. “But the charge nurse was singularly unimpressed.”

“I’ll have to take lessons from you in charming the ladies, then?”

“Oh yes.” Peter winked, and took a sip of his own tea. “They’re apparently doing a rather thorough job on Ruby’s x-rays-they seemed amazed she had escaped so unscathed-and estimated she’d be back in-” Peter glanced at his watch. “About fifteen minutes from now.”

“And staying the night, no doubt?”

“Depends on what they find, I suspect. And what they give her.”

Elias nodded, taking another sip of tea. He noticed his hand had stopped shaking so badly. “You rang Sinclair?”

“He rang me, actually-heard about it from Assignments, as you might imagine. I’m on call, you’re not, and I’ve been told to tell you that if you answer your phone you’ll be immediately sacked.”

“A likely threat.”

“But one whose intent is bang-on.”

“You’re not going to have to convince me to focus on Ruby, you know.”

“I know,” Peter said mildly, lifting his teacup to his lips.

They drank their tea in companionable silence after that, both of them sneaking glances at their watches or the large clock on the wall halfway across the room. Elias focused on the idea that Ruby would be fine, would be able to come home with him in a day or so; but in the back of his mind, he still harboured the fear of the doctors missing something, or of Ruby’s condition taking an unexpected turn for the worse. It felt like ages, watching the hands of the clock move ever so slowly towards their target.

When fifteen minutes had passed, Elias pushed his tea away. “Ready?”

“I think I’ll stay here. I’ll be along in a wee while, eh?”

Elias nodded. “Right.”

He could feel his heart racing as he stood, his breath coming more quickly as adrenaline coursed through him. What if Ruby wasn’t there yet? Would it mean they’d found something seriously wrong? What if…what if…what if… The words chased around his head as he made his way back to A&E, the charge nurse glaring at him but letting him past as he walked towards where he hoped Ruby waited.

The curtain was still drawn around cubicle seven when he arrived, and he pulled it back prepared to be disappointed. He wasn’t-Ruby was there, clad in a hospital gown, the back of the couch angled to keep her propped up. Her eyes were closed, her head turned to the side. He suspected she was asleep, and tried to be as quiet as possible in closing the curtain behind him and moving to her bedside. A quick glance told him that there were stitches on her scalp, above her right ear, and he took care in stroking his fingers over her hair, brushing it back from her forehead.

She’d never looked more beautiful to him, or more precious. He took a shuddering breath, and focused on simply caressing her hair. They were in public, and he still wanted to talk to her, to see how she really was. Turning into a sobbing, embarrassing mess of a husband in the middle of A&E would not be the right thing to do.

“Eli?” She murmured the word, sleep-or perhaps painkillers-making her speech slur slightly.

“Aye.” His left hand found hers, taking it; his right continued to gently stroke her hair.

“’m sorry.” Ruby opened her eyes, turning her head to be able to look at him.

“Not your fault, Rue. Not even close.”

“Should have been more careful.”

“You were perfectly careful. It wasnae your fault.” He gently squeezed her hand, leaning down to place a kiss against her forehead. “You did right.”

“How’s Dave?”

“He’s well. Just ‘round the corner, if ye’d like to see him.”

“’s alright.” She closed her eyes with a sigh. “They gave me something, hate how sleepy it’s making me…”

“Nae bother.” He brushed another kiss over her forehead. “I’ll be staying here if ye want a wee kip.”

“’k.” She relaxed, and was soon asleep once more.

A doctor appeared a few minutes later, tugging the curtain back without a care. He seemed surprised to find Elias there, but didn’t argue. “Her husband?” the younger man asked, extending his hand.

He took it, giving a firm shake. “Elias McCoy, yes.”

That earned a smile. “Glad to meet you. Your wife is remarkably lucky.”

“Yes.” That earned him an odd look.

“She has three bruised ribs, and her collarbone came as close to breaking as it could without actually snapping; she’ll be feeling the ache of those for some time. She has several lacerations on her head, one of which required sutures-those’ll be in for a while, and she can’t wash her hair during that time-and she’ll have some significant bruising along her right side from where the door was pushed into her. But other than that, she’s as fine as could be.” The doctor smiled. “The best healing for her will be rest, and lots of it. She’ll be in a lot of pain, but there’s nothing for it but to take painkillers; for her ribs, we suggest maybe using ice to keep the inflammation down, at least until she goes to sleep tonight. She’s been given some morphine, and that should last until you can get her home.”

“She’s not staying the night?” Elias couldn’t hide his surprise.

“No need.”

“She’s not concussed?” He frowned, amazed that she wouldn’t be. An impact like that had to have jerked them pretty violently.

“Not that we could see. The lacerations came from the window glass; the medical services said that while the side of the car was stove in quite well, the roof had buckled up and not down-and the post went behind her seat, not in front of it. Very, very fortunate woman. Quite remarkable, really.”

“Aye, she is that.” He couldn’t help but smile as he glanced at Ruby, sleeping the peaceful sleep of the drugged.

“There are a few more things to take care of-paperwork, mostly, but also getting some medicines together for her-and then you’ll be able to take her home.” The doctor extended his hand once more, giving Elias’s a perfunctory shake. “Best of luck.” And with that he was gone.

Elias was hardly surprised when Peter materialised a few moments later, tentatively walking in, glancing first to Ruby, then to Elias. “All well?” he asked quietly.

“Not ideal, but better than expected.” Elias hesitated. “Er…I don’t suppose I could prevail upon you-”

“If you even think I’d not offer to take you home, you’re an idiot.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Rose is ready to meet us there, when you’re ready, and will have dinner waiting.”

“Er…she’s not going to cook, is she? Not that I wouldn’t be grateful…”

Peter chuckled. “No, I don’t think so. She likes the excuse to visit the takeaway down your block-I’d expect that for your meal.”

“I think that’ll be just fine.” Elias glanced back to Ruby, who was still asleep, then back to Peter. “I should see about Dave-Ruby’ll want to know how he is, and will probably inquire after every scratch he’s got. And Dave’ll probably want to know how Ruby is…”

“I’ll stay here with your lovely wife.” Peter gave him a small smile, and moved to lean against the small counter behind the exam couch. “Fair bit of experience with places like this, after all, and waiting to see how the wife is doing.”

Although Dave was still in his exam cubicle, it was clear he was about to be released. Elias made sure he had a ride home, checked on his injuries, and then gave him the summarised version of what Ruby had sustained. “She should be out a few weeks; I’d lay odds the most she’ll stand for is one.”

“With Ruby, I’d lay a bet on the under.” Dave smiled, slowly straightening as he stood.

“I suspect you’re quite right.” Elias walked with Dave out to the small lobby at the A&E entrance, and was surprised to see that not only had it grown dark, but the sleet had turned to rain. Dave’s ride-his brother, it seemed-was waiting for him, and Elias gave a small wave before the car drove off.

He let out a sigh, tipping his head back and taking a deep breath of the damp, chilly air. He was absolutely exhausted. It was a very good thing Peter would be driving; he just had to see if he could convince Peter and Rose to stay in their spare bedroom that night, rather than braving what were surely going to be some terrible roads later in the evening.

He stayed outside long enough to ring Ruby’s family, calming their initial fear that she’d been badly hurt and ending with a promise to have her ring north the next day. He made a few other calls to friends and family, then decided it was time to go back inside and do what was necessary to get Ruby home.

~ - ~

Part Four

elias mccoy, ruby, year 4

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