Alas, no fic this week either.

Nov 23, 2009 08:32

Five reasons why Puck is being a very bad, non-posting author this week:

(in no particular order)

1. I moved house
2. I had a nasty bout of bronchitis
3. My family was visiting
4. I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo
5. It’s U.S. Thanksgiving!

I promise-honest!-that I’ll start posting again next Monday. As for that NaNo story…well, that’ll start going up sometime next month. Probably. It is, after all, still a work in progress *g*

Thank you all for your patience these past two weeks. And many thanks to those of you who offered luck and well wishes last week *hugs*

(ps. Um...I don't suppose anyone would be willing to gin up an Elias/Ruby icon? *g*)
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