A Lupercalia Thing (1/6)

Sep 21, 2009 05:13

Title: A Lupercalia Thing (1/6)
Rating: K
Author: jlrpuck
Characters: Rose Tyler; Peter Carlisle
Disclaimer: Characters from Doctor Who and Blackpool are the property of BBC, and are used with the greatest of love and respect. No personal profit is intended from the writing or sharing of this story.
Summary: Peter and Rose celebrate Lupercalia- ( Read more... )

carlisle, year 2, lupercalia, rose

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Prin ALupT Pt 1 Comments 1 of 1 principia September 21 2009, 15:08:23 UTC
“You’re sure you want to do this?” Rose squeezed his hand, pulling his gaze towards her from where it had been locked, wide-eyed.

Okay, so, now getting to comment properly, but don't want to spoiler for anyone who's not read the entire piece yet.


If you were trying to send our minds going to a particular place, especially in context of the original comments thread that led to this prompt, you succeeded.

Just a couple of days before, Peter had been filling out paperwork-piles upon piles of paperwork-in preparation for his starting at the Met in a few weeks' time.

*cue Factory Concerto*

“Lupercalia. You do celebrate that up in the hinterlands, don’t you?”


Elias laughed. “I meant Kendal, not the motherland.”

Although I can't imagine Graeme and Eirlys celebrating it, for example. Of course, Graeme is the man who fixed Peter a Manhattan as a pre-dinner cocktail, for goodness' sake, so who knows back in the day?

“Not particulars, Peter, relax.” Elias’s tone was placating, and Peter tossed the pen down.

Was Elias thinking Peter believed he was asking for locker-room details, rather than just 'hey, are you guys going,' since he can't fathom why the latter would be problematic?

“Still not quite used to-this.” Peter gestured around them, indicating the walls with sheets of paper hanging crookedly, and the haphazard piles of paper scattered across the desk.

What, instead of all over and around you on your bed? *snerk*

“Good God, Peter, no wonder you were such a prick when first we met.”


“And you’re suggesting I take Rose to this?”

It's not like he's suggesting you take her to Hooters, Peter.

“We always go, Rue and I.” Elias seemed offended at the suggestion he’d miss the festivities.

I'll bet there are some stories there! Hoo!

Peter gazed evenly at Elias.

*Hey rookie, did you just call my girlfriend a cow?*

~No, I think he called her a slut!~

*I tell ya what, noob, I could sit out here and listen to you insult my girlfriend all day long...*

/Red vs. Blue

“Not Rose, of course, but some women.” Elias hastily picked the tea back up and took a gulp, avoiding meeting Peter’s eye.

Ah, back when Elias was still a wee bit afraid of Peter. Hee!

Peter wanted to prove him wrong, desperately-but the next morning he found himself flicking through the paper with an eye for information on the forthcoming festival.

The idea of researching the festival Elias had mentioned had nothing to do with his being up early. Not at all.

No, I totally didn't look up anything, or buy any books on the sociological implications of the festival in the post-Victoria timeframe or anything like that!

“Yes,” he replied slowly, not sure he liked the amusement now colouring Rose’s voice.

“You are aware that there’s a bit of…rowdiness involved in that.”

What, he's too old and dignified to be going?

“I know.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I…it’s been so long since I’ve done anything for it; told myself I hated it, in truth, because it made it easier.”

Poor woobie Peter!

“Well…” She drew the word out, piquing his curiosity.

Just a little hint of Ten slipping in there. XD

“No, actually. Got to go to a proper Lupercalia, once. I think I can promise you that anything they’ve got up their sleeve just down the river will be tame, compared to that.” She winked at him.

Unless it was at a fairly advanced point in their relationship, the levels of sheer mortification on the part of the Doctor are almost impossible to exaggerate here. He would fricking burst into flame from the embarrassment. Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!

“That’s just the sort of thing you’d do to manipulate me into doing something I didn’t want to.”


Rose’s smile fell, and he felt immediately like a prat.

That's like the second time in three minutes, dude. Watch it.

“I’d love to go; I’d love to go with you. I think…I think it would be a grand time.”

*rubs hands*


Re: Prin ALupT Pt 1 Comments 1 of 1 jlrpuck_fic September 21 2009, 23:41:55 UTC
If you were trying to send our minds going to a particular place, especially in context of the original comments thread that led to this prompt, you succeeded.

I don’t know what you mean. At all. ;)

Although I can't imagine Graeme and Eirlys celebrating it, for example. Of course, Graeme is the man who fixed Peter a Manhattan as a pre-dinner cocktail, for goodness' sake, so who knows back in the day?

Are you kidding? Graeme and Eirlys *totally* used to celebrate Lupercalia, back in the day. Perhaps it’s how they met, actually…

Was Elias thinking Peter believed he was asking for locker-room details, rather than just 'hey, are you guys going,' since he can't fathom why the latter would be problematic?

Got it in one.

I'll bet there are some stories there! Hoo!

One or two…and not always flattering to Elias.

Ah, back when Elias was still a wee bit afraid of Peter. Hee!

And of course, when Peter still didn’t fully trust Elias.

What, he's too old and dignified to be going?

Elias has seen hints of what Peter’s really like-but he still doesn’t know how loose Peter can get.

Platonically, kids!

Unless it was at a fairly advanced point in their relationship, the levels of sheer mortification on the part of the Doctor are almost impossible to exaggerate here. He would fricking burst into flame from the embarrassment. Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!

BWAH! HAHAHAHHahahahahahhahahaha!

That's like the second time in three minutes, dude. Watch it.

Indeed. They’re still learning their ways around each other, bless ‘em.

*rubs hands*



Re: Prin ALupT Pt 1 Comments 1 of 1 principia September 22 2009, 04:50:18 UTC
Perhaps it’s how they met, actually…

'twould certainly explain why Peter feels particularly crushed that it's not be something that's been something he's been able to celebrate much as an adult.

BWAH! HAHAHAHHahahahahahhahahaha!

'Oh, dear, I seem to have brought us to, um, er, well, a rather public AHEM. Annnnnnnyway...'


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Prin ALupT Pt 1 Comments 1 of 1 principia September 22 2009, 14:40:20 UTC
He'd be trying to be all casual, while his eyes would be the size of dinner plates, and he'd be bumping into naked people left and right and practically jumping out of his leather coat every time. XD


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