My apologies for not posting the link to this sooner!
Title: Anger.
Rating: P.G.
Warnings: This is a very angsty piece. One swear word.
caraskye Disclaimer: Characters from Blackpool and Doctor Who are the property of the BBC.
Summary: Falls during October, year one of the Things 'Verse.
This story was the result of this line in 'A Dinner Thing':
"Voices from his past had begun granting 'exclusive' interviews, airing his dirty laundry with abandon: the mate from secondary school, who'd watched him drop acid once; a former colleague or two, discussing how antisocial and rude he'd been; the 'old family friend' who implied that his mum's death had been no accident--Rose had had to physically restrain him from breaking something when he'd read that one."
Click here to be taken to caraskye's excellent story)