Children of Time Awards--Round Two notes

Jan 17, 2009 16:34

A few quick notes about round two of the Children of Time Awards (sorry-not feeling very fluent today, but I wanted to post these things before I forgot):

1. Nominations remain open until 25 January-also known as a week from today.

2. If you’re going to nominate someone/something, *please* be kind to the folks sending out the notifications and provide as much contact information for the nominee as you can. If the person is on LJ, take an extra thirty seconds to duck by their profile page to see if they list a proper e-mail address. Many thanks :) (I’m one of the folks doing e-mails, and believe me when I say that it helps to speed up the process)

3.azriona, bless her, has started a site strictly for reviews of nominated CoT stories: cot_reviews. Take a stop by, join up, and enjoy reading some of the best fic reviews you’ll find on LJ.

4. I’ve been nominated-not for any story this time, but for my beta-ing. No, I didn’t send myself the nomination, which means I’m delightfully in the dark about who nominated me. I have my suspicions, though-and thank you very much to whoever it was.

With that, I’m off to curl in front of the fireplace for a wee bit before getting ready for the Family Birthday Dinner, Round Two.

(Cross-posted between here and the personal LJ. Sorry for the redundancy).
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