Title: Drabble #15
Written for:
meralee82 Prompt: Professor Peter proposing to Heiress Rose
Notes: During the Support Stacie auction, I promised each of the bidders would receive a drabble. It didn’t matter how many bids you made-the rule was one drabble per bid.
“Marry me?”
He’d been wanting to say the words for days; had been working out how to ask-where to ask-and when. But here, now, sitting with Rose in their pub, having just shared dinner together...he doubted he’d find a more perfect time to give voice to them.
Rose had been looking elsewhere; at the question, she turned to gaze at him, astonishment on her face. “...what did you say?”
He swallowed, forced himself to have the courage to ask the question as he gazed into her eyes. “Marry me, Rose?”
Please say yes, he thought, watching her nervously.