Title: Drabble #13
Written for:
principia_cohPrompt: When Peter met Robert
Notes: During the Support Stacie auction, I promised each of the bidders would receive a drabble. It didn’t matter how many bids you made-the rule was one drabble per bid.
“Peter, he’ll not bite ye. Honestly, you’d think you were twelve.”
“He hates me, Annie.”
“He does not. Don’t be silly.” Annie turns, waving over a gentleman on the opposite side of the lobby.
The man approaches; he’s shorter than Peter, with bright blue eyes and graying dark hair; he puts a possessive arm around Annie before turning to where Peter stands, waiting.
“Robert, darling, I’d like you to meet Peter Carlisle.”
Peter extends his hand, murmuring, “A pleasure” in response to Robert’s “Peter.” The handshake is firm, and cool, and the man doesn’t meet his eyes.
Peter swallows nervously.