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prynne12 August 28 2008, 10:14:22 UTC
Before I get to the meat of it--0518? You morning types scare me.

Now, for the commentary:

You’re also-let’s be frank-not the most charming of people. Oh, Elias--he's a diamond in the, erm, very rough, that one.

“Force of habit, these last few months. Never quite sure who’s lurking or listening. As you’ve seen-the zanzare don’t much care for facts.” Has the stalking gotten worse? I thought I remembered reading that they leave Peter more or less alone when he's in Kendal...

“You look it,” she said decisively. Speaking of Kendal, he must be enjoying London, even for this curious extra assignment, if he looks better than he did when last he was "home".

He always worried, his imagination creating terrors he hoped didn’t truly exist-terrified that something unseen might have happened to her, and that they’d not find out about it until much later. This would be an absolute nightmare, I think. Rose works with aliens--heaven only knows what she encounters, meaning that Peter's imagination is the limit. ::shudders:: With Rose--at least she has an idea what the rest of mankind can do and thus what Peter faces.

To be briefly crass: It was her favourite way of relaxing when they were together-listening to him describe his week, or the highlights of what had occurred since they’d last spoken. He thought many of the things were mundane; she loved hearing about life in the ‘real world’, as she put it. I'd listen to whatever that man had to say, even if it were regarding that pivotal 1927 battle...

Yes. He’s been trained to not trust anyone, I think-not even me, which I suppose is largely my own doing. That's not entirely fair, Peter. It's really just an indication of how bad the kindergarten ward is.

“They say ignorance is bliss; it was a lot easier to work there when I didn’t know how bad it really was.” This...this is just a heartbreaking statement...

He wished he could believe her-not about her love, but that he was worthy of it. ::brandishes the thwomping stick of self-esteem warningly:: Oh, come on, Peter. You won't be worthy of her love until you accept that you are...and if that's not a circular statement, I don't know what is.

“Are you insinuating that meeting my mum is a chore?”

“You insinuated that first, my love.” ::chortles:: I love this entire exchange both for its realism and the fact that it's so appropriate for Jackie Tyler. Plus, Rose walked straight into it, which is fabulous.


jlrpuck_fic August 28 2008, 13:15:55 UTC
Before I get to the meat of it--0518?

That was by necessity, not choice. I had to catch the commuter bus at 0550, and it takes me (on a very good day) 15 minutes to post the story and the links.

Has the stalking gotten worse?

It hasn't--but Peter hasn't forgotten the not-so-nice things that popped up when it first broke that he and Rose were serious. And the occasional stories which bubble up when news is slow.

This would be an absolute nightmare, I think.

Oh, it is. "A Recurring Thing" only captures a small part of what Peter worries about.

I'd listen to whatever that man had to say,

*nods* Oh yes.

::brandishes the thwomping stick of self-esteem warningly::

*thinks of Airplane!, imagines queue of fans brandishing weapons of self-confidence, waiting to thwack Peter*

Plus, Rose walked straight into it, which is fabulous.

He's a clever man, is Peter. *g*


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