Title- And So Things Go (14/34)
jlrpuck Rating - T
Pairing - Peter Carlisle/Rose Tyler
Disclaimer - Characters from Blackpool and Doctor Who are the property of the BBC, and are used with the greatest of love and respect; no profit is intended from the writing or sharing of this story.
Summary - The story of how Peter Carlisle moved to
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More to the point, I love the fact that he's feeling comfortable enough with Rose to invite Elias and Ruby out for a get-together while he's in her milieu.
Ruby, incidentally, is fast becoming a favorite of mine. I love how she can say the most inappropriate things.
And lastly--I wish I were good enough with images to construct a LolPeter--because I just want to squeal a bit that "Peter has a friend!"
And clearly, I'm running on not enough sleep or caffeine this morning!
They do say "write what you know"; it's been years since I was a teenager, but, y'know... ;)
Peter's got so many coping mechanisms whirring away in the background, it's almost ridiculous. But I think it's really the only way he's managed to keep functioning in the dysfunction of NLC.
I love the fact that he's feeling comfortable enough with Rose to invite Elias and Ruby out
Oh yes. What's always cracked me up about him inviting Elias and Ruby out isn't that he's worried about Rose, or what she'll think; he's not. He's worried about what Ruby--and, by extension, Elias--will think.
I love how she can say the most inappropriate things.
She's one of those lucky people who says those things with such charm, that folks only rarely get offended.
I'm running on not enough sleep or caffeine this morning!
I just made a pot of coffee for the office. *passes huge mug of steaming brew*
::accepts gratefully:: Though--anyone whom I may encounter during the day is really unlikely to thank you for caffeinating me!
Peter's got so many coping mechanisms whirring away in the background, it's almost ridiculous. But I think it's really the only way he's managed to keep functioning in the dysfunction of NLC. Indeed--or rather, so many "lack-of-actual-coping" coping mechanisms, almost all of which being unhealthy of course. Why is it that when we develop these things, they're never healthy ( ... )
It's so unfair, isn't it? *sigh*
Oh, and what's an ASBO?
From the trusty wiki: anti-social behaviour order
Oh, incidentally, the first part of the Eliot fic is up at Teaspoon
Ah, excellent!
And I dearly, dearly love the image of this Peter Carlisle as a teacher, preferably in a high school situation not unlike the one in my home town. I think I may laugh myself to sleep now. The students would eat the poor man alive--he thinks his *coworkers* are bad...
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