The Way of Things, Chapter 36

Nov 29, 2007 05:03

This was really happening. Peter couldn’t quite believe it.

Rose’s lips, soft as he’d remembered, were caressing his, nipping and teasing in between languorous kisses. Her body was flush against his, her warm skin feeling like flame against his, her soft curves pressing into him in the most deliciously distracting way.

Her hand slowly slid up his back, a fingertip following the line of his spine, before once more nestling in his hair. He groaned, pulling Rose even closer to him, her hips pressing hard against his erection. He didn’t want this to stop, but his need for her, to feel all of her against him, was becoming more urgent.

He slid his hands around her waist; she responded by wiggling against him, her lips curving in a smile against his. He pushed against her lightly-a sign of exactly what he’d like to do to her-and she clutched her hands in his hair in response. It was his turn to smile, and he slowly began to dance kisses across her face as he moved his body back, creating space between the two of them.

As he ran his lips along her jaw, Rose slowly tilted her head back; he was powerless to resist the allure of her neck, and dragged his tongue in a light line from the corner of her jaw to the hollow of her neck. Her hands remained in his hair, but she made no effort to pull him up for more kisses, and so he continued exploring.

He bit lightly at her skin, following the line of her collarbones, each nip followed by the press of his tongue against her skin to soothe the mark. He placed a string of kisses along each shoulder, going as far as the straps of her bra before returning to her neck.

He brought his hands upwards, wanting to touch everything-all of her at once-but settling for running his fingertips along her ribs. She flinched; he glanced up quickly, and saw her lips quirking in a smile. “Ticklish, Miss Tyler?” he drawled against her skin, before running his tongue downwards through the valley between her breasts.

“Mmm,” was her response, her hands now playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. His body was already screaming for him to be buried in her; the feeling of her nimble fingers lightly playing with the sensitive skin at the back of his neck made him growl against her chest.

She repeated the action, liking the result, and he pulled her hips roughly towards him as his tongue danced light circles across the skin of her breast. Her hands clutched at his hair as he slowly-teasingly-ran his tongue along the line of her bra, his hands still clasping her to him.

“Peter,” she moaned as he lapped at her breast, the feel of her nipple through the fabric of her bra rasping against the flat of his tongue. He kissed his way across her chest, paid the same attention to her other breast even as he began to feel the increasing damp around where his erection strained to get free. He tilted his head, looking up at Rose; she was looking down at him, her lips parted and her eyes burning. She licked her lips, slowly removed her hands from his hair as he watched her; and she moved to reach behind her, to unclasp her bra.

He straightened, bringing his hands to her arms to still her movement. “No, Rose. Not yet. Please.” He whispered the last against her lips, brushing a soft kiss against them before sliding down her body, trailing kisses as he went.

Her hands returned to his hair as he kneeled before her, his nose rubbing against the soft skin of her stomach. He ran his hands up her legs, feeling the tension in them, before bringing his fingers to work at the button and zip of her trousers. She stepped out of her shoes, being careful not to move out of his reach, and he was soon able to work the fabric down her legs.

Her knickers were a dark satin, matching her bra, and he brought his hands around to cup her bum and pull her to him as he began to alternately kiss and lick a line along the edge of the fabric. He could smell her arousal, and he began to feel the fine threads of his control begin to snap. He wished the foreplay could last forever-but he knew his restraint would not.

He leaned back, once more looking up to Rose. She was watching him, her lips glistening, and they stared at each other in silence as they waited for the other to make the next move. Watching her, he slid his hands forward, following the line of her knickers; her eyes fluttered shut as he slowly drifted his fingers downwards along her front, towards the apex of her thighs. She shifted, opening her legs slightly, and he leaned forward as his fingers reached the dampness of the cloth. Pushing it aside, he ran his tongue along the warm, damp flesh he found hiding underneath.

“God,” she choked out, a plea and a sob, her hands fisting so tightly in his hair he thought she might rip it out. Holding the knickers aside, he gently ran his tongue along the folds of flesh, his nose nuzzling at the damp curls above. He followed the final, slow swipe of his tongue with a light touch from his finger, brushing her clit before he sat back.

He stood, waiting for her to open her eyes before he slowly put the damp finger into his mouth. The taste of her was salty, and all Rose, and he closed his eyes in appreciation as he pulled his finger out of his mouth with a pop.

Rose’s mouth came crashing against his, her teeth knocking against his in her frenzy to kiss him. Her hands scrabbled at his waist, brushing and teasing his cock in a way guaranteed to make him finish immediately, and he had to grasp at her wrists to still her eagerness. “Rose. I’m going to be useless if you keep doing that.” She pulled back, looking embarrassed, and he elaborated softly, “Your touch-it’ll make me finish before we get anywhere.” He kissed her lightly, before taking a step back. As he toed his shoes off and began unbuckling his belt, he continued. “Rose, I...” She was watching him intently, and he had to catch his breath to continue. He unbuttoned his trousers, slowly slid the zip down as she watched, and he took a step forward. Reaching for her, he grasped her hands, brought them to his hips. “Your touch is...I can’t tell you how wonderful it is.” She was looking down now, her hands resting where he’d placed them. He slid his up along her sides, cupped her face. “If we want to do this properly the first time, I think we’d best speed things along.”

She looked at him through her lashes, her thumbs slowly rubbing up and down across his skin; her expression was serious enough that he worried he might have permanently derailed things.

She finally raised her chin, her eyes meeting his challengingly. He held his breath as he awaited her decision.

“Next time we do this, I’m undressin’ you first. Got it?” Her stern expression melted into a smile, and he smiled back.

Leaning forward slowly, he whispered against her ear, “Anything you want.” He ran his nose along her cheek, ending with a languid kiss; she brought her hands up to rest against his chest, lightly pushing him away.

“Thought you were needin’ to lose those,” she said, looking down. “And since I’m not allowed t’ help...” She took another step back, her eyes running down his body as she continued, “Don’t suppose you could tell me where there’s a light? I want to see you.” Her voice was tentative as she ended, unsure of her boldness.

He stepped forward, kissed her fiercely, her request for a light only adding to his want for her. Her hands drifted down to the loose fabric at his waist, her fingers dancing over the skin at his hips, and he felt his cock twitch in eager anticipation. With a deft flick, she slid his trousers over his hips, gravity helping them to slide down his legs.

He shifted, helping the fabric to pool at his ankles. He stepped back, out of them, breaking the kiss at the last possible moment. “Light,” he gasped, his body insisting that he resume kissing Rose, immediately, and shag her against the wall if need be.

He made his way to the bedside table, pausing in front of it-he was nervous about this, about how exposed he would be; he trusted Rose, but it had been so long since he’d done this... He heard Rose move, sensed her standing behind him, and he gasped as he felt her press up against him, her hands coming around his body to stroke his stomach.

He reached down and switched the light on, the small bulb casting a soft glow over the room. Reaching to his right, he hasty tugged the curtains closed. He turned in Rose’s embrace, and she took a step back to give him room to move.

His breath caught as he saw her in the light. The vision of her in front of him, clad in a dark blue bra and knickers, her skin practically glowing in contrast, made his breath catch. She looked uncertain under his scrutiny, fidgeting briefly before once more finding her confidence.

She was soon staring as openly at him as he was her, and he briefly wondered what she was seeing. Her gaze slid down his body, so intense he could practically feel it against his skin. Her eyes lingered as she looked at his crotch, as she saw the grey cotton he knew was damp from his own arousal, tented where his erection strained to escape. He felt a near blinding flash of desire as she slowly licked her lips, her hands twitching before her gaze moved on.

He was only a half-second behind her in stepping forward, reaching, kissing as though it were the last kiss they’d ever have. Her body was warm and soft-inviting-and he pressed his hips into her teasingly as her hands danced along his back. She sucked on his lower lip before leaning away; he opened his eyes, met hers, and once more felt the eagerness of his body to be in hers.

Peter reached a hand forward, gently drifting the backs of his fingers along her cheek, across her jaw, down her neck; she tilted her head, hands gripping at his waist as she offered herself to him. He leaned down, lightly kissing the hollow of her neck before running his tongue down and across her chest. He felt another flash of heat as his tongue found the hard nub of her nipple, and he reached up and finally allowed himself to slide the straps of her bra off her shoulders. Sliding his fingers down, he pushed the fabric away, revealing the creamy skin of her breasts, the taut nipples teasing him. Her hands slid up, into his hair, pulling him towards her, and he was only too happy to oblige.

He lapped at one of her dusky nipples, savouring the taste of it, the feel of it against his tongue. He brought one of his hands up, cupping her breast as he continued to suck, to nip, to see what made her moan; he had wrapped his other arm around her waist, his palm flat against her lower back to keep her pressed close to him.

Her hands clenched in his hair as he gave a long, languid draw on her breast; with a pop, he released her nipple, the skin around it pink from his attention. He moved to pay the same attention to her other breast, his hand playing with the still-damp skin he’d just abandoned. As he teased her, he felt Rose’s hips push against his; he danced his tongue around the dark pink of her puckered aureole in response. Rose’s hips grew more insistent, pressing into him harder and far more erratically, and she finally pulled him up for a kiss.

“Y’keep doin’ that, and this’ll be over in no time,” she growled against his lips.

He couldn’t help the smile which crossed his lips. It was wiped away as quickly as it appeared when Rose reached down and cupped him, the tips of her fingers just brushing his balls as the palm of her hand pressed against his length. “Turnabout,” she whispered as she kissed him.

He fought the urge to press into her hand, to have her get him off right then; he channelled all of his concentration into fighting against the desire.

“Peter?” Rose’s voice held a note of concern, and he felt her move away. She brought both hands up to cup his face, asking gently, “Look at me?”

He opened his eyes, could see the worry in her expression; and he gasped.

“Don’t stop breathin’ on me,” she said, a trace of humour appearing in her voice.

“Don’t make me concentrate so hard on not firing off,” he said in return.

Her eyes widened before a predatory gleam appeared. He anticipated her next move, reached down for her hands. “No more teasing.” He was in earnest, his voice reflecting both the seriousness and intensity of his feelings, and she gave him a short nod.

“No more teasing.”

He leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss against her lips. Scooting so her back was to the bed, he wrapped his left arm around her as he leaned forward. He guided her onto the bed, slowly lowering her back as he leaned forward; as his weight shifted, he braced his right hand on the mattress to keep them from falling into an untidy heap. He placed a knee between her legs, keeping his weight off of her as her back came to rest against the dark red duvet, and helped her to scoot further onto the bed.

He broke the kiss, trying to avoid cracking teeth or creating bruises, and she opened her eyes to look up at him. Her hands drifted gently across his face, her expression one of awe.

“This is really happenin’?”

“I bloody well hope so.”

She smiled. “Can’t happen with both of us in our underwear, can it?” Her tongue poked out of the corner of her mouth, and he leaned down to kiss it before responding.

“Let’s fix that, shall we?”

He rolled over to the edge of the bed and stood; as his hands reached to the elastic of his pants, he froze. Rose lay in front of him, on his bed; she’d unhooked her bra, and was wiggling her hips as she removed her knickers.

He was still frozen in place as, fully naked, she lay back against the pillows. She was still on top of the duvet, and he felt his chest constrict at the image she presented.

She caught him staring, and blushed. She shifted uncomfortably, moving so she could hide under the duvet, and he leaned forward. Bracing his weight on his hand, he kissed her lightly. “Don’t hide. Please.”

She leaned up into the kiss, and he hastily shifted, working his pants off with one hand. As he kicked them away, she reached down with her hand and pushed against his chest.

“My turn t’ look,” she said, her voice husky. He blushed in response, but took a step back, standing in front of her. His erection was becoming almost painful, and he flexed his calves to relieve some of the stress as she took her time running her eyes along the lines of his body.

Her eyes finally returned to his; holding his gaze, she rolled towards where he stood, reaching out for him. Her hand brushed his waist as she shifted to her knees, the touch sending a shock through him. He gasped, looking down to her upturned face; and as she held his eye, she said softly, “I want you, Peter.”

He leaned down, kissing her as his hand scrabbled for the drawer in the bedside table. He was inexpressibly grateful that he’d gone to the chemist, hope for such an encounter leading him to be uncharacteristically optimistic and restock his condom supply. He felt one of the small foil packets against his fingers, hastily brought it out and knocked the drawer shut. With shaking hands, he opened the packet, put the small piece of latex on; as his hands drifted to Rose’s waist, she began to lean back, pulling him with her.

There was some awkward shifting and repositioning, their attempt to hold the kiss not quite working-but Rose was soon laid out on the bed beneath him, her eyes huge as she looked up. One of his legs was stretched along hers, his right side in complete contact with her body, and he felt her raise her hips to rub against him. He reached down with his left arm, his hand still shaking as he handled his erection; he shifted to bring their bodies into alignment. He slid his left leg straight, felt the head of his cock come into contact first with the curls, then the warm wetness between Rose’s legs, and he heard her breath hitch.

He paused briefly to catch his breath, and then slowly guided the tip of his erection downwards, through her folds, stopping when he reached her entrance. Bracing his body, he moved his hand, brought it up to cup her face. This was it, then.

He slowly slid into her.

Rose’s eyes fluttered shut, her hands resting on either side of her head clenching into fists as she arched into him. He slowly shifted, moved to slide out of her; she brought her hands to his arse, and held him in her. He loved the feeling of her surrounding him, of her body sheathing his in warmth-but he wanted the friction, wanted to see her come undone before he followed after her.

He leant in and brushed a light kiss against her mouth before slowly pulling out, her hands sliding to his hips. He once more slid in; she gasped, “Peter” at the sensation, arching her back once again to give him a better angle. She rotated her hips as he pulled out this time, and he felt his control snap.

He kissed her fiercely as he drove into her, his body retreating to instinct as he set up a pounding rhythm. Rose brought her legs up, wrapping them around his hips; and he drove himself further into her, savouring the feel of his balls slapping against her as he pounded into her.

He felt her rotate her hips once more, her hands on his shoulders, in his hair, skating along his back. He could feel her straining for release as she frantically kissed him or nipped at his skin, and he shifted slightly to he could reach between them.

He bent his head, lapping at first one breast, then the other, his rhythm faltering only slightly as he contorted his body to reach her. Rose gasped at the sensation, and he slid his hand down to where they were joined, his fingers sliding in to tease her clit. As he stroked her in time to the rhythm he’d set, he began nipping along her shoulders, slowly working his way to her neck.

He wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to be able to make it, the waves of his growing orgasm beginning to wash into him, and he moved his lips along Rose’s jaw, stopping at her ear. “Rose...” he whispered, before dancing his tongue along the shell of her ear.

She turned, her mouth brushing against his ear, whispering “Peter!” as she pressed into him, her orgasm pulsing through her. He pulled back, watching her as he teased her gently, lightly stroking her centre as she rode out her orgasm, still driving into her; his pace increased as his own orgasm neared.

She opened her eyes, her hands reaching up to pull him to her for a kiss, and the wave crashed over him. She leaned up, kissed him as he erratically pounded into her, her hands sliding up and down his back. He had no sense of how long passed before he was spent, and as the wave ebbed he whispered, “Rose” against her lips, following it with a kiss.

Her fingers stroked down his cheek; he pulled back and slowly opened his eyes. Rose was watching him, and she smiled softly as he focused on her. “Hello, stranger,” she said, her voice barely audible.

“Hello,” he replied, leaning down for another kiss. He was growing soft inside her, needed to move-but he couldn’t yet bear to break their intimacy.

They kissed softly, delicately, bodies flush against each other, for more minutes than he thought possible. It was so easy to lose himself in the feeling of being so close to her, of knowing she wanted him as much as he her. Eventually, his knee started to ache, and he broke their leisurely kiss. He brushed several light kisses across her cheeks, gently kissed her eyelids, before pulling back and simply looking at her.

He still couldn’t believe she’d come back. And she’d come back for him. His heart clenched at the thought, the degree of his feelings coming perilously close to the surface, and he leaned down for an ardent kiss before he said something he wasn’t ready to, and she certainly wasn’t ready to hear. Shifting his hips he slid out of her, before breaking the kiss and opening his eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes, found him staring at her, and blushed. He leaned forwards, whispering against her ear, “Rose. We’ve just had sex-I think it’s a bit late to be embarrassed.” He pulled back so he could see her face, a smile on his lips.

She couldn’t meet his gaze. “I know. ‘s just...when you look at me like that...”

“I can’t help myself, Rose.” He brushed his lips over hers. “It’s still a bit surreal.”

She looked up at him, a grin slowly forming. Wiggling her hips against him she said, in what sounded like delighted astonishment, “We just shagged.”

“Keep doing that and we’ll do it again sooner than you think.”

He didn’t miss the flash of want that crossed her face, and she gave another wiggle. He leaned down, lightly running his tongue along the line of her lips; she parted them, deepening the kiss, her hands lightly stroking the nape of his neck.

He slid an arm under the small of her back, held her head with his hand, and rolled them over. She smiled against his lips, murmured “Someone’s randy” before returning to kissing him most thoroughly. The minutes passed as they continued their exploration of each other, his hands running along her thighs, or brushing across the skin of her torso; her hands lightly brushing through his hair, or cupping his face as her tongue danced in his mouth. He wanted their kisses to never end, and at the feel of her tongue sliding along the roof of his mouth he finally moaned.

She shifted, rotating her hips, the rough hair at the join of her legs teasing him as it rubbed against his skin.

Refractory period be damned; he was going to find a way to shag her again, as soon as possible.

She looked down, her brow furrowing, before returning her gaze to his face, humour glinting in her eyes. “D’you think you’ll be up for another go?”

Amusement and offence warred within him at her question. He had, after all, just been thinking of the very same thing. “Are you intimating that a man of my years might not be up for a second round so soon?”

“Just checking.” That teasing slip of tongue was peeping out again, tormenting him.

He pushed himself up on his elbows, shifted all his weight onto one arm so he could reach up and lightly stroke her face. He strained upwards, his hand guiding her forward into a soft kiss. “I want to shag you again. And I will shag you again.” He brushed soft kisses around the edge of her lips. “I just have to let this aged body work back up to it.” He winked at her, before lying down.

She sat straddling his hips, looking down at him; his chest constricted at the very real look of affection on her face as she gazed at him. He rested his hands on her thighs, his thumbs absentmindedly stroking the skin there as he looked up at her.

There was still so much they needed to talk about; still so much she needed to know about him. He hoped he’d be able to tell her all of it, eventually-just as he hoped she’d tell him all about herself, her life before, eventually.

She brought her hand forward, lightly running a finger along the line of his lips, drifting it up along his cheek, bringing it back down to follow his frown lines. “What’s wrong?” she asked, tentatively.

He captured her hand, holding her finger to his lips for a kiss. He pressed his thumb against her palm, straightening her fingers, and slowly placed a kiss on the pads of each one as he thought of what to say.

She was watching him carefully. “Peter?”

He placed a final kiss in her palm, before answering. “We still have things to talk about, Rose.” He sighed, looking to the side as he released her hand. “I’m sorry, I fear I’ve just killed the mood.” He returned his gaze to hers; she was looking at him with a shocking intensity.

Holding his gaze, she leaned forward; he inhaled sharply at the feel of her breasts brushing against his chest, at the feel of her body rubbing against his so intimately. “Peter, we will talk. We need to.” She placed a butterfly kiss on his cheek, pulling back to look at him as she continued. “I want to learn about you, want to learn who you are.” She leaned in and feathered a light kiss against his jaw, pulled back. “But first...” Rose hovered millimetres from his lips. “Make love to me again.”

She closed the distance, her lips working against his; his hands slid up into her hair, holding her against him. He could spend hours doing nothing but kissing Rose Tyler, he had decided sometime in the past two weeks; but now-with Rose naked, straddling him, rubbing against him-he decided he might just have discovered his new favourite activity.

She slid off him, moving to lie alongside his body; he moaned at the loss of her atop him. She smiled, still kissing him, and her hand slowly drifted downwards.

His eyes flew open; he’d not yet cleaned up. He stilled her hand, whispered against her lips, “Wait a tick.” He rolled over towards the table, quickly disposed of the used condom, and rolled back to her. “Where were we?”

Her eyes were crinkled in knowing amusement, but she picked up where she left off without comment. “Here, I think,” she said, pressing against him as she started languidly kissing him again. Her hand returned to his stomach, slowly drifted downwards; he felt the first stirrings of arousal as his body began to recover.

She pulled back and drifted a finger downwards, watching him, her eyes huge. He tried to hold her gaze, but as her fingers came into contact with the base of his penis, he couldn’t help but close them. He was still sensitive from his earlier orgasm, and he couldn’t decide if her gentle touch was erotic or painful. He arched his hips as her fingers continued along, finally reaching the still glistening head. He felt her prop herself up on her elbow, and he opened his eyes to see her looking down towards where her hand was teasing him, working to encourage him to harden again. He raised a hand, reached over to cup her breast, his thumb rubbing against the aureole; and was rewarded as her eyes shut, as she moaned.

He shifted, wanting to roll her under him again; she pushed back, making sure he stayed on his back as she straddled him. He brought his hands to rest, once again, on her thighs; she shifted back just a bit, enough so she could continue stroking him lightly, coaxingly, and he felt the sensitivity to her touch shift towards pleasure. She held his gaze as she danced her fingers along his slowly hardening erection, her fingertips ghosting over the head, teasingly stroking his balls, before once more dancing along the slowly lengthening shaft.

As she stroked him she looked down, looking at what she was doing to him; he slowly slid his right hand up her leg, along the inside of her thigh; if he strained just a bit, he thought he might be able to return the favour. He kept watching her face, captured her gaze as her eyes flew to his; and he slowly ran his fingers over the damp curls he found just past where she was bringing him to hardness. He pushed past the evidence of their earlier sex, was able to slide a finger into her folds, and she arched her hips forward.

“’re going to distract me...” she whispered, her arousal at his touch evident. Her nipples were hard, her breathing shallow, and her eyes were rapidly darkening.

“That’s rather the point.” He raised himself onto one arm, giving himself added reach; and he danced his fingers in the warm dampness he found waiting for him. At his ministrations, she squeezed her hand around him, and he groaned, dropping back to the bed.

“Oh! I’m sorry...Peter...?” She had stopped, worrying she’d hurt him.

“Don’t stop,” he gasped out, his entire mind focused now on the feeling of Rose stroking him. His hands went to the duvet cover, fisting the fabric, as she worked him, her fingers dancing and stroking.

A second round would most assuredly not be a problem.

He felt her lean forward, felt the delicious brush of her nipples against his chest, her hand braced somewhere next to his ear; she’d stopped stroking him but still held him in her hand. He felt her scoot forward, felt her hair come in contact with his sensitive crotch, and he couldn’t help but groan out her name.

“Peter,” she whispered, hovering over him; he opened his eyes, saw her staring at him. “Are you ready?”

He had been neglecting her, and he reached up, pulled her mouth down to his. “For you? Always.”

He snaked a hand down, once more wanting to touch her, to return the favour she was offering him. She moved her hips, staying out of his reach, and he groaned.

“Now, now-next time.” She kissed him, teasing him with the brief intensity, before pushing herself upright.

“Bedstand drawer, then?” she asked, not waiting for an answer before moving to the side of the bed, reaching into the drawer, pulling out another of the condoms. She straddled him again, resting right at the base of his erection this time; he could feel her wetness, her hair brushing against his balls as she opened the condom, as she pulled it out. She wrapped a hand around his erection, her thumb rubbing through the liquid at the tip of it, before rolling the condom onto him.

He’d thought he’d be lucky to have sex with Rose Tyler once in his lifetime; now he was about to have it with her for the second time in a night. What had he done to deserve this?

She ran her hands down his shaft, making sure the condom was on, before raising her eyes to his. She leaned forward, dragging her breasts along his torso as she moved to kiss him. “Peter...”

“Rose...” he breathed, arching his back as she shifted, wiggling her hips until he slid into her.

She kissed him, moved her hips against him, and he reached up and ran his fingers through her hair, holding her mouth to his as he raised his hips to meet her.

She undulated against him as he held her there, as he arched up to meet her as she moved against him. She finally broke free; sitting back, her hands on his chest, she began to rock against him in earnest, driving herself onto him. She changed her motion, grinding her hips into his; her eyes held his as she drove herself on, closer to release.

He reached up, straining to touch her face; she leaned forward into his touch, kissing his hand before allowing her torso to drop forward. Her hands braced on either side of his head, she continued to ride him, her pace increasing as she got ever closer to another orgasm. He reached up, cupped her breast; pulled it towards his mouth and eagerly began to nip at her, to suckle, his teeth lightly playing with the puckered flesh. His other hand rubbed and pinched at the breast he wasn’t working with his mouth, greedily trying to touch as much of her as he could as she slammed her hips into his.

“Peter!” She shouted his name this time, her hips jerking spasmodically as she came; he lay back down, watching her face as she clenched around him.

As she opened her eyes, he made his move, pulling her to him and rolling her in one fluid motion. She blinked up at him, surprised to find him above her once more; he leaned down, kissing her desperately as he began to drive himself into her as hard as he dared. Rose braced her feet on the mattress, her hips rising to meet his as he worked towards a second release. He pulled back and focused on her face, looking at her mouth, imagining what it would be like if she took him in and brought him to completion that way; wondering what he would taste like on her lips, he leaned down and kissed her. Her hands were resting, as they had before, on his arse; she pulled him against her every time he pushed into her.

“C’mon, Peter,” she whispered against his ear, one of her hands now grasping the nape of his neck as she pulled him to her. He pulled back, crashed his lips down against hers as he felt the wave of pleasure rush through him again. He jerked against her a few more times as he emptied himself, seeing stars behind his eyelids.

He lay against her, panting, as his orgasm faded.

“We really need to fight more often,” he said, when he finally felt able to speak again.

He felt her chuckle, and moved to brace his weight above her. “Nothing personal, but I don’t want to go through another coupla days like that again. Not if we can help it.”

He kissed her nose. She continued, “’’sides, how d’you know sex isn’t going to be like this all the time?”

He felt short of breath at her casual assumption that they’d do this again, often. “All the time?” he asked, a faint note of hope in his voice.

She looked up at him. “Peter, I don’t sleep with everyone I work with.”

He blushed. “I...that’s not what I meant.” He slid out of her, rolled to the side and onto his back. “I...was hoping you’d want to do this, again, some other time...”

She rolled onto her stomach, propped herself on her elbows as she looked at him. “Oh, I do. You don’t have to worry about that.”

He smiled at her, and she leaned in for a quick kiss before rolling over, and sitting up. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Peter, but...I’m starving.”

He laughed, sitting up next to her. “Exercise before supper isn’t always the appetite suppressant it’s advertised to be.” He brushed a kiss against her shoulder-he didn’t think he’d be able to be within ten feet of her and not kiss her, from now on-and moved to the edge of the bed. He disposed of the condom before getting out of bed and crossing over to his wardrobe.

Buried in the back, in amongst the clothes with colour, was a ratty old robe. He’d lived alone long enough that he never felt the need to use it, but he was suddenly quite grateful he’d kept it. He tugged if off the hanger, turned to return to Rose-and stopped. Rose was staring at him, clearly taking advantage of the opportunity to stare at his naked body when he was unawares; and he felt himself flush at the attention. She was still staring as he walked towards her, and he couldn’t help but ask as he reached the bed, “D’you like what you see, then?”

“God, yeah.” She realized what she’d said, her eyes flying to meet his guiltily, and he gave her the slow smile he knew drove her mad. She looked at his mouth, licked her lips, and he wondered if they were simply going to go at it like rabbits all night. He’d certainly not object.

“Good. Now here you go-in case you didn’t want to, ah...” He trailed off, realizing his presumption that she’d not want to get dressed in her own clothes.

“Thank you.” She took the robe he offered, accepted his helping her into it as she stood. “Loo’s just there, if you’d like”--he pointed to the door to the left of the wardrobe--“and I’ll just be back.”

He gave her a quick kiss, and walked to the wardrobe to grab a pair of his pyjama bottoms. He heard the soft snick of the door as she closed it, and hastily pulled on the clothing before leaving the room and heading down to the kitchen.

the way of things, snogging, kendal, rose, year 1, blackpool, carlisle, happy, post-dd, smut

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