stupid females rant

Aug 08, 2006 12:08

Don't read this if you don't want to hear someone bitch, this is me bitching
about the females I work with, hang around, and have just made their way
into my life

why are females so ridculous
I hate to group all females in this rant of mine
but honestly most of them are,
all just in different ways
for instance i'm ridiculous because I can't drive and i'm complexly simple
now for the females that i'm ranting about they all
*for some odd reason believe that they are damn beautiful
and dare I said Gods gift to earth
*they believe with these so called "great looks" of theirs that
they can get whatever they want and deserve
*they seemed to have forgotten the rule that just because it
it comes in your size ( or really the size you think you wear, key word
"think") doesn't mean you should wear it
*you may think your playing some masterful game but point blank, usually
you're really not you just look like a STUPID ASS
*Don't pout in a corner just for attention it's annoying grow the fuck up
*Claiming that someone is your boyfriend because it's what fits your
imagination and you've already told all your friends elementary
*Using cliche phrases to make yourself look better doesn't do anything but
make you look unoriginal and unintelligent
*Taking someone elses boyfriend and or attempting to is elementary....
and shows that you can't stand out on your own...and that you need
someone to compare yourself to so you can look better, just stop it's
trashy to be quite honest
*If your going to throw insults at people use words in the right context,
because if not you look even more retarted...and if your throwing
insults at me speak proper english I don't understand DUMBASS (nor do I speak stupid bitch)
*Trying to portray yourself as sexy has it's limits and for some reason
most females just end up looking slutty
*If you haven't finished high school don't pick fights with people
have point have nothing to talk about and you'll LOSE
*It doesn't make me a wimp that I won't fight you...i've just been taught not to fight ugly girls (which of whom always want to fight) they have nothing to lose....and if you don't back down I have a gorgeous pink knife and I will stab a bitch
*There are many a great things about being a bitch embrace it...don't get offended...if a word is added in front or behind bitch then thats not good. i.e crazy bitch...stupid bitch...bitch(y) (better to be one than just act)
*If your single and can't find a's ok don't complain all the time or
be on a constant "man hunt" gets old and honestly the male population
is getting small especially with all these gay guys poppin out the wood work
just enjoy being single and embrace it in such a way that you don't need a man to be strong you can stand on your own.
*Just because no one has had the balls to tell you that your unattractive yet
doesn't mean that your simply means you need better friends
*as a side note...for people with no friends or mirrors...
NO your hair does not look good pink, kool-aide red, green, yellow
orange, blue, or any other color especially if your doing it to
match an outfit thats actually even worse
NO that dress that comes up your 200lb thighs does not look good
nor do the matching string up boots, (shorts and skirt can be
substituted where dress is if need be
NO that weave going half way down your back mixed with blonde
and brown highlights DOES NOT look real or even attractive
at the end of the night guys want real hair to tug on in the bed
not something that'll come out in their hand
NO that "cute" dress or shirt that shows off your boobs is not cute
leave something to the imagination...and honestly I could do
seeing your boobs
NO you don't need to slather yourself in your favorite perfume we
smell you I promise....and you better not slather perfume on
instead of bathing your nasty ass....

I'm currently in school to be a therapist so the fact that I can read these things from myself and the people around me is a bit of a gift don't take offense just take joy in who you are as a human can't help you were born female it's just something that happens...if you really can't get over your stupidity then yell at your dad males decide (gene wise) whether it's a girl or boy.

Lastly...don't come bitchin at me if you happen to be one or all of these things described....more or less if you are I didn't notice...this is simply a collection of females that i've come in contact with....unfortunately
i've violated some of thses myself i'm not perfect...I just needed to let it out
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