Weekend update

Oct 25, 2004 10:07

This weekend was my B-school 5-yr reunion. It was good to see people that I haven't seen in about 5 years. One guy even flew in from Vietnam. He is staying for three weeks, though, so it was good he could make a vacation out of it. I have discovered that Jack and I are only one of three married couples that DOESN'T have kids. I swear the entire weekend I must have gotten asked the question about 1 billion times. I probably brought it on myself when I was holding my friend J's baby girl. She was being so cute during the dean's little speech that I had to hold her when he was done. Then later that night I could tell J was exhausted because the little one still hadn't taken a nap and she was getting to be a handful. About 5 minutes after I took over she fell asleep on my shoulder. I think my uterus skipped a beat. Ya know, there are just some kids that can't help but make you want to have them yourself.

Friday night was just a happy hour which was fun. There were some people that made it to the happy hour that didn't make it the rest of the weekend so I was glad to catch up with them. Two different couples flew in from Atlanta on seperate flights. One got there on time and the other didn't make it until like two hours later. I felt so bad for them because they left first. There were a couple of people that I got to see that still live in the DFW metroplex, but I never see. Other states represented included NY, CA, KS, and DC.

Saturday was the Dean's reception. He went on and on about how great he is, and how SMU is a top 20 school even though it isn't ranked in Business Week. Blah, blah, blah bunch of crap about how the rankings are unfair. Yeah, whatever, the Career Placement Office sucks and everyone knows it. Why don't we just call a spade a spade. That night we went to Sammy's for dinner and then to The Old Monk for post dinner drinking. Good times.

Sunday was a brunch for my friend J (the one with the baby). She was supposed to come to Dallas for a shower when she was pregnant, but then she was put on bed rest so it never happened. This was her first time back to Dallas since the baby was born, so it was kind of an "after the fact" shower. Of course she kept forcing her baby on me (like I minded) and more cajoling about when we are going to start TTC. Oy!
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