Sitting at the dentist with my oldest. He's being quite the trooper. With the video he's watching I'm feeling a bit extraneous.
Operation BGB is in Phase 1 and I'm calling it a smashing success. She woke up on Saturday and begged to have the crib converted. Jack dutifully removed the crib gate but didn't install the lip. I was unsure how it would go so I laid two pillows beside the bed for nap time. She did fine. Didn't fall out or get scared. It did take about an hour to fall asleep due to the excitement of it all, but I called it a success.
She repeated that success later that evening, again at nap time on Sunday, and once more last night.
She is really eager to move to an official big girl bed. She remains unsatisfied with the day bed set up. I think we'll have to look at converting the crib to the headboard style configuration sooner than anticipated.
I'm bound and determined to get rid of the pacifiers. I need to figure out how to tie the two events together (no princess bed for little girls still sleeping with pa-pas.) wish me luck!
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