Oct 13, 2004 13:11
1. What is your name? Jonathan
2. What color pants are you wearing? denim
3. What are you listening to right now? Nick Drake
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number? what on earth?
5. What was the last thing you ate? salmon salad and Naked raspberry juice
7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? um, how about Venice? Before it sinks - that way when I retell the story to my grandchildren it will be shrouded in mystery, like Atlantis or dodo birds
8. How is the weather right now? unpredictable
9. Last person you talked to on the phone? this dude Borgar from Norway who lives in New Mexico and has a famous ski-jumping cousin
10. When you look at a person of the opposite sex, the first thing you notice? her smile
12. How are you today? today is my birthday and I spent four hours online while on the phone with Sprint PCS customer service before finally getting transferred to the only guy in the company who knows what he's doing - and he's from Norway. Did I mention that?
13. Your favorite drink? hot tea & Naked juice and orange juice
14. Your favorite alcoholic drink? primo vodka, irish coffee and wine
15. How do you eat an Oreo? soak it in milk til its about to fall apart
16. Favorite sport to watch? international soccer
17. What's the next CD you're going to get? I use iTunes
18. Hair Color? Brown
19. Eye color? Greenish brownish hazelish
20. Do you wear contacts? no
21. Favorite joke? When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 C. The Russians used a pencil.
22. Favorite Month? January because it is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings, and Janus has two faces, which I think is both silly and teeming with potential
23. Favorite food? Mexican
24. Last movie you watched? Napoleon Dynamite - sweet!
25. Favorite day of the year? November 11th
26. Are you shy to ask someone out? oh golly
27. Do you like scary or happy movies? Happy unless it's stupid, then I'd prefer to be scared
28. Summer or Winter? both
29. Hugs or Kisses? well that depends now, doesn't it?
30. Relationship or one night stands? no comment, but I'd like to clear the air and say perhaps one problem is I hear the "I love you" so quickly and have to say the "I need time alone" line so often - some advice to sweet, well-meaning girls: wait to say that until you've been dating for longer than a week, k?
31. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
32. Living Arrangement? Santa Cruz, a half mile easy bike ride from Steamer's Lane (don't be jealous, you can come visit if you want)
33. What book are you reading? The Fountainhead, again
34. What's on your mousepad? my thumb
35. Favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit (the original version)
36. Favorite magazine? Men's Journal, DRUM!, GQ, National Geographic
37. Favorite smell & favorite perfume & cologne? memory smells are my favorites - St. Ives apricot scrub reminds me of my grandmother's house because I always used it to wash after swimming in the river, oranges remind me of many great things, fresh woodchips and sawdust, campfires, the smell of tents and sleeping bags that have been used but washed, ocean air, snow and water from snow melts, new tanned leather, linen and undyed silk, new tennis balls... Vera Wang and Le Male (my colognes) and Givenchy Amarige (on a girl)
38. Least favorite smell? okay I'm gonna have to go with number three so I don't sound like a culturally insensitive bastard here... the sticky smell of Greyhound stations close to large garbage bins - the smell of BO and trash ain't happenin'
39. Favorite sound? the guy who did the commentary on old Disney cartoons (like Goofy and Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse) - he sounded like I think a grandpa should sound
40. Worst feeling in the world? Being alone
41. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? pencil pencil pencil... write down dream... embellish... edit... brilliant!
42. Favorite color? red
43. How many rings till you answer the phone? is this a serious question? I mean I've seen it on like a million surveys and I just have to say - can I debunk this myth that people are anal enough to wait a certain number of rings before answering it? Look, if there are people who ration their telephone rings, go to your doctor and get some Anafranil
44. Future child's name? this is sort of anal, too, but I know almost all girls have this planned out, and I'm sort of counting on my wife to be one of those girls. If not... Alessandra and Lucien are nice names
45. What is most important in your life? to grow in wisdom each day, always looking for a way to encourage others
46. Do you like to drive fast? my pledge class wasn't named the 120 brats for nothing
47. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I am a stuffed animal
48. Storms: cool or scary? Cool
49. What was your first car? 1993 Acura Vigor
50. If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be? king David
51. Whats your sign? Libra, unless we're talking Blue Collar signs, and then I won't say
52. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? as recently as my last meal
53. If you could have any job, what would it be? an movie director
54. If you could dye your hair any color, what wold it be? polka-dotted
55. Ever been in love? I love lots of people, but I'm still holding out for the woman who will fill that sacred place in my heart I've been keeping safe for her
56. Is the glass half-empty of half-full? I think that's really up for the glass to decide, don't you?
57. Favorite movies? City of God, Talented Mr. Ripley, Snatch, Fight Club, Gladiator, LOTR...
58. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yup
59. What's under your bed? if it's a monster he's not a very clean one
60. What is your favorite number? 11
61. What's in your CD player right now? The Postal Service
62. Favorite TV show? Nip / Tuck
63. What is your earliest memory? riding to class with my mom in my bicycle seat... watching a man play with baby alligators in Florida at DisneyWorld - I was probably 2 years old for those
64. What is your favorite memory? memories of my early childhood and of Switzerland, and time spent with people I love
65. Favorite place? Barcelona, Switzerland, Colorado, California
66. Person you wish you were dating? if I knew that I'd have asked her out by now
67. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? Switzerland
68. If you could have one wish right now what would it be? to have five minutes right now of the feeling of complete accomplishment I will have after I've fulfilled my dreams
69. Person closest to you? Daniel
70. Person most like a family member that isn't blood? I'm not sure that'd be a good thing, haha... uhm... Justin? He's very intelligent like my father.
71. Person you miss the most? Daniel, Justin and my little sisters
72. If you could be any age right now what would it be? 24
73. What's your favorite way to kiss? trade secrets, sorry
74. Virgin? wool
75. Ever French kissed someone of the same sex? I think I just spit up a little in my mouth - no, I haven't
76. Ever gotten drunk? yeah
77. Ever smoked weed? a little grass is healthy for your digestion
78. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? I don't think most of them count - realistically, about four... literally, no let's not
79. What is the lamest pick up line anyone has ever used on you? "You look like Antonio Banderas" sadly enough it worked
80. Ever barfed in public? yeah
81. Ever gone streaking? it's a favorite pastime of mine
82. Where would you most like to live besides where you live now? Switzerland, with an apartment in Barcelona and a beach house in California
83. Elvis or the Beatles? uhmmmmm... Beatles
84. Britney or Christina? Kelly Clarkson
85. Fat free or full of fat! what's it taste like?
86. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? no like I said...
87. Who is the person you love the most of anyone on this earth? my future wife
88. Have you ever done anything stupid in front of your crush? for the last time I don't have a crush!!
89. Coke or Pepsi? like, yayo? oh... okay I'm with you... neither
90. Sprite or 7up? Sprite
91. Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb? Dr. Pepper
92. Mountain Dew or Mello Yellow? doesn't that stuff shrink your fireman?
93. How many kids do you want? 2 or 3
94. Lastly, is there someone, or people that you would consider a 2nd family? Daniel, Justin, my brothers in Frats and my friends from L'Abri