Oh, Undead Death Knight, oh, how I HATE you.

Dec 28, 2008 03:16

Okay…I’ve recently become addicted to World of Warcraft. I mean seriously addicted.

For those who are unfamiliar with it, here is a quick crash course:
There are two different factions: Alliance and Horde. The Alliance consists of the Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves and the Draenei - kind of a blue satyr with a sci-fi twist. The Horde are the Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves, Undead, and the Tauren - a sort of minotaur. Some people can be very loyal to one side or another…and say that one side is better than the other. Me, personally, I don’t see the difference - I play both. I have 4 Alliance characters and 4 Horde characters.

There are several classes you can be depending on which ‘race’ you choose: Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, Druid, and the Shaman. With the new expansion; Wrath of the Lich King, there is a new Heroic class called the Death Knight. I don’t have this since my main is only level 38 and you have to be at least 55 to have a death knight…

And there are several different types of play you can do: PvE, PvP, RP, RPPvP.
PvE: Player vs. Environment - basically, this is the easiest one to level in as you don’t have to deal with the stress of being ganked by other players from the opposite faction.
PvP: Player vs. Player - Players from each faction can be attacked at random in contested territory…some
consider it difficult to level here because of the potential of being harassed by other players from the opposite faction
RP: Role-playing - you role play your character (I’ve never played on this type of server)
RPPvP: Role-playing Player vs. Player - you role-play along with the added PvP gameplay, which kind of resembles the world of the game the most…

My main character that I love and play the most is Galenaes. She is a Draenei Paladin and she’s awesome :^) .

Here she is in all her glory :)

I rolled Galenaes on a PvP server… Yes, I was completely aware of what I was doing when I did this. I knew about the potential difficulty I would have when dealing with members of the Horde.

I’ll admit that I need some practice when it comes to battling actual players instead of NPCs…though I did get one today yesterday. :^) And my sister really didn’t mean to kill you, little baby level 2 Troll that one time. You just attacked her and her Shaman lightning shield bounced back at you and killed you in one hit. You should have known better than to attack someone who was about 30 levels higher than you.

But I just have to ask: Is it really that much fun - not to mention challenging - to run around and attack someone who really, really doesn’t stand a chance against you? I mean, your level 80, I’m in my 30s. No, I don’t stand a chance. Do you really have to laugh at me about it. It’s not my fault your about 50 levels higher than me. And no, I’m not even going to try and attack you. I know I won’t do anything to you.

Mister Undead Death Knight…

Did you really have to chase me down? I mean, all we were doing was mapping out a baby Horde area for the achievement. I didn’t raise my axe once to a baby Hordie. You chased me all the way through one zone and well into another before I made the mistake of looking behind me. I should have just kept running into Alliance territory. You killed me as expected because even though you weren’t quite a level 80 (I looked him up), you are still quite a bit higher than me. And then you laughed at me, again and again. And then, you camped my corpse. I saw you standing over me, waiting for me to resurrect myself. I saw you cannibalize my corpse as well. When I thought you finally gave up and left, because I saw you get on your horse and run off. I learned my grave mistake the second I resurrected myself. You somehow popped back up in front of me and killed me again. And camped again. This time I just had the Spirit rez me at the graveyard and ran home and logged off.

Also, by the way, my sister really didn’t appreciate you pulling her into the air and killing her in one hit either.

Also…I want to give a big shout out to the level 80 Tauren Druid who killed me from behind while I was picking a plant. That was swell. Didn’t even give me a chance.

And I’d like to present the ‘Biggest Assholes of the Year’ award to all the Horde on my Realm who thought it would be hilarious to form a raid…on the low-level dwarves and gnomes (low as in levels 1-10). They didn’t even stand a chance…you killed my baby dwarf as she was running away…then all of you guys camped out so you could kill us babies all over again. You were high levels…your armor gave you away. I have to ask, did it make you feel all macho when you killed all those low levels who had no chance in hell?

Maybe I’m just too nice…but tonight, I came across many low level Hordies. Did I kill them? No, I didn’t. I just waved. Just didn’t seem right when they were innocently fishing. They didn’t stand a chance anyway. I’ll go after ones who I can possibly attack…Do I win? Not often…actually only once. I don’t have a lot of practice fight against actual people, but I still don’t run around to the low-level Horde areas and kill them in one hit just because I can. Sorry, I don’t see the fun or the challenge in that.

Either that or it’s just because I’m not an ass

games: world of warcraft

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